Really people? calm it down about character judgements after one day of playing. You are all sounding silly. Right now we just have to wait and see how things pan out. Season 2 is less than 2 weeks away, have you paid your entry fee?
Do you guys want matches to be on youtube with commentary? Because as of now we don’t have any recording/commentating equipment. And since no one has stepped up to actually take over for Season 2, I’m going to do it, but I need the equipment, which is what the fee money is going towards…
Come on Frank, fuck this weak ass watered vanilla SF4 you know we want to get up on that super for the tournament of champions! (Riki-oh says, knowing Sagat got harder to use while Bison is the same with more tools) :badboy:
Sorry Riki, I’m holding my guns to this. How can I have a Tournament of Champions tournament on a game that’s only been out for a week let alone isn’t officially out yet.
Is there a website to see the HDR schedule? My partner Chris has some kind special forces training for a month. So we will probably miss the 1st month or maybe not. I wish this was singles tournament…
I wasn’t playing at Cole’s, so my opinion is based off of only a couple games with Guy, but I would LOVE to be proven wrong because I really like Guy as a character. Can you tell me what Tanaka was doing? Cus imo:
-He is fucken SLOW AS HELL garbage speed. Even his freaking RUN is slow.
-Every single move of his is SUPER punishable
-He gets owned HARD by anyone with a decent focus attack
Cody is freaking BUFF AS HELL, I think it’s gonna be between him and Dudley and Sagat and Ryu for tops. T. Hawk is also HELLA good, I think a lot of people claiming they’re going to use him will get tired of getting raped and switch to an easier character after the freshness wears off.
I didn’t get to try Adon, I REALLY am intrigued by him…
Also Riki or Frank, can you tell me how Bison is different from Vanilla? :tup:
Bsion is probably going to be top tier in this game. His psycho crusher is great for anti air now. The fierce will get people jumping back, and the jab works like a honda headbutt anti air(im sure not quite as good, but good) EX psycho crusher always absorbs fireballs now. Combined with having an ultra you dont have to charge that can be combod the same ways as the other, plus additional setups. He’s just got to be good.
with everybody playing @ the dojo now, and no post in the midnight release tourny thread, is that idea all but done now? I havent reserved a copy anywhere, and i was hoping to join the biggest crowd for a release tourny
Frank I just checked out for the first time… WOW, you spent a LOT of time to get that schedule looking all nice, good job man. :tup:
I agree that ToC should be SF4 on the sole reason that that was what was advertised. Cant just switch shit up like that, especially with 3 Sagat players qualified.
You have to remember that the game is not even officially out yet, which should be the end of discussion coupled with the promise that it was going to be SFIV.