Huge diss. Ask Sesho.
Looks like I kinda derailed my own thread here again- at first, I was going to post my song mix in last year’s thread about Damdai vs. Afrolegends, however, when I found that thread, I remembered all the focus on it being a money match and I didn’t really want to promote that part of it all. The rivalry/competitive healthy scene itself is enough for me. I had the idea for the mix as soon as Zass made the comment, at least with the “suit and tie” sample but that wasn’t enough to bother making it until I found the other samples to balance it out, since, after all, boxer is no gentleman, so I don’t want to go out of my way to make any kind of a potential rallying cry for boxer players. So hopefully the other samples mixed in get people to notice that, as good as AfroLegends is, he hasn’t been showing up for many tournaments ya know? Damdai’s the opposite, he’s traveling all around the world, France etc. to compete, he’s got his doorbell there, ya know, so he’s probably wondering, like I’m wondering, maybe like everyone’s wonderin: When ya gonna ring it? Anyway if this year’s big tournament is anywhere near as good as ToL was last year that’d be awesome. btw I saw a 30 min documentary explaining the original footage of Damdai’s linked video- it was pretty good actually, recommended. It’s not exactly the video I would have posted, but the documentary is more enlightening than the linked video’s edit if anyone’s interested.
Anyway, for years I’ve thought tournaments could use more DJ technology. Good commentating requires concise speech that doesn’t just tell you what buttons were pressed but describes the strategy of the action as it occurs and explains subtle positioning etc. So at times you want to say things relatively fast because a lot can happen in a few seconds, and the tension can keep on going after that. So either the commentator or a DJ can use equipment to play samples of common phrases at the touch of a button for increased efficiency. Or increased corniness, not quite sure which yet, but in any case, I’d be willing to risk it. Most of us in the fighting game world seem to think that shouting out recommended courses of action, however obvious to the player or his opponent, is somehow faster than the player moving his finger less than a centimeter to press a button, even though you have to account for the time it takes to form the words and get them out of your mouth in time, plus the speed of sound to travel to the player’s ear, and for him to comprehend what you said, filtering out all the other ambient noise or his own inconsiderate concentration on the game itself-- and THEN press the button. So basically now, you can commentate like that, but twice as fast so it’s like, double the benefit you’re offering him. Just like how you can give someone a copy of Fred Brooke’s Mythical Man-Month, but why not give him two copies that way he can read it twice as fast.
A DJ has strictly less knowledge and competence than a musician, and it would be the same in comparison to a good commentator. The less, the better. If commentators are not good enough, we need more and better commentators.
It’s definitely true that some commentators are better than others. Zass’s commentary from the tournament I sampled him was an example of very good commentary (not just the quote about boxer, but in general). He was able to concisely convey a lot about the subtle spacing and what was going on in terms of who had the advantage during the fast pace of a fighting game round. And often he’d be next to someone else who would often supply a very occasional “yeah” or “uh-huh” in agreement, merely providing harmony so it seems a lot less like Zass is just talking to himself and I’d say that was even better- because it lets Zass’ experience shine through his good commentary.
Zass’s, or anyone else’s, might want to play the piano or guitar while he’s on the mic too, but I don’t think that would be nearly as effective. But I’m pretty sure he or someone else can press a button. I’d say it’s similar to how some people using PowerPoint prefer to click through their own slides, but others prefer someone else to click through them as they speak. At best, having DJ equipment available to press a button to express some common phrase during the fast pace of the action is just an option available that could be used to achieve greater concision for a richer commentator experience.
Hello, I am trying to get TRUST working but I can’t seem to get the rom to work correctly, I’ve tried merging the GGPO roms with Clrmamepro but it still does not work. I am not very good with roms or mame, could anyone help me get it working?
Not the place for it, but try updating ROMs and using well known internet websites to learn about it, or help for help in GGPO, Supercade, etc.
How do you program Guile’s super properly in TRUST? I’ve been using this program to some effectiveness recently testing other setups, but I just cannot get the Super to come out.
TRUST is awesome, btw thanks!
Glad to hear it. Incidentally I’ve been trying to learn how to play Guile and can finally do his super in a real game… sometimes. Anyway, I’m not sure what the “proper” way would be actually, but I just played around with it for a few minutes and got this way to work, below. Sometimes, if you don’t know the exact, precise frame to do a particular move (or particular input of a move) in the scenario you want to script, you may have to experiment a little, like just try your best guess first, run it and see, then make small adjustments, sometimes just adding a few dots (one frame per dot), run it again, etc.
This assumes a savestate named 7.sta in the right place with Guile on the left side with a full super meter.
First he does a regular flash kick, then the super.
&7 W10.
Are you doing the super shortcut? Downback, downforward, upback?
I was thinking about making some new lessons, but I wonder if anyone actually tries them or gets much use out of them. This could be because they’re boring, or that whoever has heard about TRUST in the first place is likely not only familiar with basics of the game, but also technically adventurous enough to try it out and get it up and running. I think there are a number of very common, typical scenarios that are good for new players to spend time getting a little more familiar with. The basic idea was to provide a kind of “rally” like they do to warm up before a tennis match. You can script customized scenarios to test what’s possible and to train whatever you want, but sometimes it’s good to have other scenarios you might not think of, esp if you don’t have years of experience with fighting games. Things like the following:
-Your opponent is Ken and he whiffs a fierce (big punch) shoryuken. How best to punish? especially practically, eg low big kick, say before he goes into another one or throws at his first opportunity after recovering.
-Jumping straight up over projectiles thrown at random speeds, from not only long-range but up to mid-range. Maybe a scenario where you start at full screen, walk as far as you can until having to jump over a projectile but you can only jump straight up (gets harder the closer you get to opponent).
-Getting in, with various characters. Especially chars like Blanka who don’t have projectiles to counter. He has his hop (3 kick buttons’ move), can be good tactic to use to hop back, then jump back in for a better angle/distancing. For Cammy, it seems jumping straight up a lot can be either really good or very bad. Honda and making use of his neutral jump big punch to steer.
-Boxer, from full screen, can buffalo-headbutt through Ryu’s fireball, then suddenly he’s in range to nail Ryu if he tries another FB.
Any great desire for any of this?
btw I’d like to try something with top boxer players. I want to test the theory that Ryu’s fake fireball in HDR actually fakes out anyone, particularly, as opposed to any other fake-out move like a whiffed standing mid punch etc. So have, say, AfroLegends try a script as boxer vs. a scripted Ryu, that throws fireballs at random speeds, and randomly does standing strong/jab too and see how consistent it is, over say 80% is good? Ryu’s stance is wide when his fireball animation plays (and fake fb’s too), so if Boxer players are using that as a cue, particularly, and would NOT be faked out by regular moves like standing mid punch, that’s what I want to test. I want to test whether it’s a GUESS or a REACTION basically. Personally, I don’t think HDR’s fake fireball is faking anyone out, particularly, and people are just guessing whether or not a move is a fireball.
This is great I know this being like 5 years ago you posted this but I just got back into playing and had forgot must or the move and timing. were searching for some training finally got one. thanks. One thing though the observe doesn’t work. player just move back and trow one kick. any move I choose and try to observe it combo etc
Hi, I don’t know if anyone is still on this thread. I have an issue. The issue is that whenever I try to click on any options on the left, none of the information pops up in the middle. Instead the information is stuck forever on the select a lesson page. When I choose an option on the left and click execute or observe on the right, nothing shows up. I have the rom. Also when I go to the tweak option, I can’t select any of it. The problem is that nothing happens or changes when I click on the various options. Any help? Thanks.