holy shit wtf is dat?!
wtf are u acting so cocky for? its not like u win every single tournament, wen both u and k2 got owned by stephen 2 tournaments ago… ur not Jwong buddy
comments like dat is unacceptable.
k thx bai
holy shit wtf is dat?!
wtf are u acting so cocky for? its not like u win every single tournament, wen both u and k2 got owned by stephen 2 tournaments ago… ur not Jwong buddy
comments like dat is unacceptable.
k thx bai
why the fuck my name is there?
Too fucking good.
mighting danger good.
why am i cocky when u talk shit like that at every tournament? u’re in no place to make a sound, thanks
fjskdlafjlkad midterm stress fjaslkjdflajf
cuz i’m JS Master, and ur… PUI :wgrin:
Beef !!!
No offense Pui but you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. If you can find another player in the GTA that consistently places top 3 in multiple games every single month I’d like to see it. If Eric put in any real time into Slash, he’d be giving the top Slash players a run for their money (he already does that now without being very focused on the game). I talk a lot of shit to Eric in good fun but I (and a lot of people) have great respect for his game and how good he is in everything he plays. We may not like it but Eric can talk all the shit he wants because in the end the guy wins and he wins everywhere.
Johnsons. :looney:
:rolleyes: That stopped being funny about 12 hours after T7 ended. Give it a rest. :rolleyes:
Same with breaking people’s necks.
That’s the 2nd time you’ve referenced breaking necks and I still have no idea what you’re talking about.
Lemme try to understand ur logic. Because eric places top 3 in multiple games ASIDE FROM SLASH every month, he is allowed to talk shit in slash even tho hes never placed top 3 and now is considering of quitting because he came last in our last tournament? Whereas I can consistently place top 3 in slash and i make a joke (yes, thinking sarcasm would get through in forums makes me a dumbass) about splitting less money since EVERYBODY before was already saying that, i get flamed?
You can say he’s respected for every other game and therefore him talking shit is alright for those games. BUT u cant say because he plays every other game and make an assumption that if he focused on this game he’d beast us so hes allowed to talk shit. btw, depending on ur definition of “top slash players”, he may be giving them a run for their money. But my definition of “top slash players” tells me that he stands no chance if they play seriously.
Doesnt this sound awfully like that “essay” i wrote about ggxx before T7 and how ggxx players have to play every other game before they are allowed to talk? If he wants to talk shit about ggxx, earn it. I’m not gonna come around to CVS2, MVC2, 3S and talk shit (and i do know how to play these games, just incase i hafta know how to actually speak) so he shouldnt either.
Under the request of X-sap:
Eric goes to my house weekly n plays ggxx till like 6am, if thats what u call not focusing on the game, i dunno what is
Come one guys, aren’t we used to talk shit while playing games? (Not me btw)
Pui was just joking about splitting the pot in ggxx
The meaning behind was that we played too much gg and there are no surprise who wins, so why not split it if both of us gets into final.
I won 1st and I am the one taking the fewer money home. Is just for fun and supporting the freaking game, so just take it as a joke and reply ?damn you"
Plus, Eric always flames wtever pui sayz =.= that explains a lot, no need to go over
I will be neutral cuz I only play ggxx( and KOF and TRF2, which no one cares), soon A3 also (yeah! =.=v), but I agree wt pui said. you guys kept on saying Jwong Jwong, even if he wins and being the top player, if he starts talking shit for the game he doesn’t even understand YET, he is just being an @$$( just an example, not saying he is)
Wt I have to say is that if you are a good player, respect urself than the community will respect you, if u are being an @$$hole, ppl don’t care how good you are and how many games you can play.
I hate typing.
i think u should get ur fact straight before u say i talk shit about i’m good at ggxx… the only thing i’ve ever said was i’m the BBTO… and no one can deny dat (xcept darkdragon)
now lets talk about FACTS… wut i DID say, was ur acting all cocky and shit cuz u wrote “=( less money for me n k2 to split” comment like dat is just disrespectful to everyone who joins the tournament, and not everyone can take it as a joke.
and wen i talk shit, i talk shit to individual scrubs who think they’re good, i’m not cocky and arrogant enuff to call everyone else in the tournament a pot filler
do u have any logical sense? If ur BBTO… and darkdragon denys that (which he does) then u’re not BBTO… and its not about darkdragon denying u… its about the whole community denying u as holder of that title
the fact is, if u ask anybody in the ggxx community, they’d all say u talk shit to them, so when u talk shit to everybody in the community ONE BY ONE, how is that not talkig shit to the whole community?
And how much respect do u have for us when u just come, change ur own brackets and decide to play against whoever u want? In fact, we give more respect to u than u deserve because we actually let u go on after changing the brackets urself since u wont play unless ur playing me first round
and of coz u talked shit to me because i was getting pissed off at u running around, talking shit, then come, change the brackets however u like them, and want to play there and then. Good respect paid
If everybody else before me was talking about us splitting the pot, i might as well continue what they say. If u didnt notice, i didnt start this thing about “me splitting less pot with K2” u guys did (actually Dice), i saw it as a joke, might as well respond to it like a joke
LOL. he’s been playing so long and he still comes dead last while complaining about the sticks.
the lost of all of geese’s “skill” must’ve been due to his age. But then again, geese’s definition of “good” is pretty sketchy, considering he pretty much thinks 3 of the top 4 players in cvs2 are scrubs. Even though he says he’s good but never managed to win a match against them (or anyone for that matter).
it’s pretty funny that he’s talking about people who don’t know how to do a fireball when he can’t seem to do that either when he plays.
whats with the hate … damn
Gordon are you going to this ?
edit: i can’t make it, sorry nagata, i really wanted to come to this. o well, C-groove isn’t my best anyway.:sad: