Translated Super Turbo Player Interview. "God Honda" KUSUMONDO

great interview

That was a great interview, respect for character love :slight_smile:

What did he give him?

-Great read!

This is pretty much the main reason I love ST. You can get put into situations where if the opponent knows what they are doing you can’t get out (or it’s unlikely). If you’re playing another game for a while and go to ST it really shows you your flaws in brutal detail whether it’s footsies, zoning, etc. Even if I get 50-0’d in an ST session I always feel that I learn something from it…can’t say the same for SF4.

I’m a new player but I really like the old Capcom games more…CVS2, VS, A2…I see a lot of the randomness in the new games and dislike it. Plus comeback mechanics as implemented nowadays are just stupid. You should never be rewarded for losing.

A proper translation wouldn’t have hurt :V.

Also, regarding Mago:

He constantly uses top tiers, doesn’t that make it pretty ironic?

Awesome read i feel dirty playing chun now… :frowning:

fuck off mago really works his ass off

Oh, did I hurt a dickrider’s feelings? It’s true that he constantly plays top tiers. And if you wanna talk about players that work their asses off, go look up Lowtier heroes, they are the true hardworkers here. An example would be Kuroda on 3S, he’s constantly looking for new setups and refuses to play the top tiers.

Oh and, Dickrider.

Turn it off. Like a light switch!

3s? do you really want to begin with the most stupid argument ever? if kuroda´s play 12 is his fucking decision, top, low, shit tier are for scrubs, play your best character or the most appealing to you, the rest is just bull shit.

and for the record mago is not an sf4fag, he played lots of cvs2 with honda, most of the ppl dont even know about that… dumb ass

This interview is too wonderful for the thread to turn into a flame war…

Really amazing read. So cool to see both the interviewer and the interviewee being genuinely open and putting themselves out there. Many interviews, not just in the FGC, consist of boring ass one sentence responses, but this couldnt be farther from that - deep and from the heart. I don’t know much about Kasumondo or the japanese ST scene, but this makes me want to know more.

Are you Mago’s wife? Because you seem atrociously fucking MAD up to an irrational level. Calm the fuck out and hop off Mago’s dick. I like how you get pissed over the simple fact that somebody mentions him tierwhoring hard. He CONSTANTLY switches to top tiers, what can you deny in all of this? I’m not saying he’s not a hard worker but that’s pretty fucking ironic either way. Yes, people choose their characters and play to win. This is also why I’ve never discredited him of his skills and likes.

I know that Mago played CvS2 back in the days (with Honda) but that doesn’t change the fact that what he did before does not reflect on what he does nowadays. Hop off his dick, for christ’s sake. You assume that I’m hating on him when I actually watch his matches and shit.

My point on Kuroda is that he’s overcoming plateaus by working his ass off, not switching characters. It was often mentioned on several interviews that he’s looking into new setups all the time (which is why he owned with his fresh Oro in the West VS East 5-on-5 event)

Take a chill pill, getting mad like this is so troll-friendly. Bet you flame people all the time.

I’d also like to point out that honda in cvs2 raped everyone but CBS, A-vega(main reason he dropped him), and Gully(2nd main reason he dropped him)

Uh, what. He uses Ken.

Ken is High Tier, try harder. And he often uses characters that he doesn’t main. Go watch the West VS East 5on5 event. He played Oro against the tops of the world, an Oro that was unseen from the public entirely.

And his main isn’t Ken. It was always said to be Gouki and Q. Not because you see a few matches of him playing Ken that he automatically mains the dude. Hell, he played Ryu & Urien numerous times also.

Regardless of that, he doesn’t constantly switch to the Top Tiers all the time like Mago.

Glad to see this got posted on the main page. An interview with an older game player is a rare thing to come across.

Also, lol at the irrational hater vs. the supposed dickrider.

I hate the ‘like’ feature, I constantly click on it instead of reply. /rant

Anyway, irrational hater? I didn’t know that I hated Mago. I can happen to root for him and watch his Fei Long matches. But I believe that branding him a hardworker while he constantly switches to top tiers is ironic and unfitting, that’s all. You could say that I do have an irrational hatred towards FChamp though, I love seeing him cry.

If there’s somebody irrational here, it is that guy up there. He’s pissed off up to an unhealthy level, I cannot even begin to understand why he would get so mad over a comment regarding an SF player.

It’s not as much as you being a hater, it’s just you sound scrubby and whiny with your implication that just because Mago picks top tiers, he doesn’t put as much work in / he gets easy wins. Which isn’t at all true, it’s not like picking a certain char in a FG is an autowin.

stay free ryureiatsu