Transformers Thread

Do you have all four of the dino tapes?

Just Gurafi/Noizu. Iā€™ve only seen Diaru and Zauru once, and that was at a convention several years ago.

I saw a sealed Grimlock on EBay recently; the last bid was around $2250, and it didnā€™t even meet reserve price. :wtf:

Yeah some people try to get lucky on ebay, and sell shit for 10 times the actual amount. Sad part is, sometimes it works.

New Jaguar XK alternator (appears to be Ravage in cat mode):

looks more like an Aston Martin

Galvatron vs Beavis

Webworld highlights

Anyone have good sites to get the transformers DVDs ? I just want some recommendations seeing as how I havenā€™t watched every series and ones with Starscream are a plus too thanks :smile: !

Well I got the entire Rhino version of the G1 dvdā€™s off ebay, but theyre pretty damn pricey nowadays. Best bet is to spend around 200 bucks to get all five dvd sets.

Little known fact: Prime is a lolicon!

People who think the movie is the worst thing ever clearly havenā€™t seen Kiss-Play.

Well, Convoyā€™s got good taste. That Melissa is Loli-licious.

Sheā€™s also 20.

New prime pics

Time to toss out Battle Ravage. :X

So with him and Rumble coming out, does this mean we get Frenzy and Howlback Alternator repaints? :confused:

I was thinking Steeljaw for the new Ravage repaint. And you know Frenzy is almost guaranteed.

Soundblaster Re-Issue? heh? either way I can live with it :smiley:

That reissue has been out for quite a while. And AQ is an overpriced site, you could get Soundblaster off ebay for under 100 bucks

speaking of which have they conformed a release date for rumble after him and few othes iā€™m done with alt unless they bring out soundwave or megatron alt.

Classics Mirage on card:

Classics Grimlock:

Alt. Ravage in kitty mode. I likey.

Now to begin the dull process of converting ā€œBattle Ravageā€ into Jaruga or something.

I didnā€™t see these posted:

Those are pretty much awesome. Iā€™m in love with Masterpiece Starscream too. So much goodness.