#3 SF4, SSBB/M, Halo3 - Oct 16th - 18th 2009

Reading is fundamental.

A little bit of an update.

I know at TP2 there was some concern and some issues with how late SFIV started… that should be solved this time.

My plan is to use 4 of GCs TVs and my 4 360s (though we will need 3 HDs and SFIV disks to have everything unlocked…I only have one disk and unlocked set) and then any set ups you all can supply and those sets are the SFIV groups all day on Sunday.

I will have people assigned to different games. So instead of me trying to run 4 diff games at one time, we will have 3 or 4 people each on one game…so that should speed up the bracket process and getting the tournament started.

So if you enter SFIV event at TP3 you pay $20 ($5 venue + $15 tournament).
If you just show up to play friendlies (or whatever you all call them… Smash they are friendlies) you would only have to pay $5 Venue Fee, BUT you would have to stay off the TVs while the bracket is going (but that is what 2 or 3 hrs out of the 8ish hrs there??)

I am spending about $2000 when all is said and done (maybe more depending on the internet at the Center… their set up SUCKS for internet)…so I do have to cover the costs of the venue.

Smash and Halo players are paying more then $5 Venue (Smash is $15, Halo is about $7-$10 each)… so $5 is really pretty cheap.

Hoping that explains some things and helps cover some concerns about how SFIV ran at TP2.

I am signing paperwork this week with Seattle Center.

It will be in the Seattle Center Pavilion room, which is right next to Key Arena.
Its something like 5066 sq ft.

I would really like to lock the SFIV part of this down… because it does make a difference in how I use man power to help run an event.
So I guess I am asking how many are coming? Knowing how many attendies makes a huge difference in how I set this thing up.

Pretty Lights playing in Seattle on Oct 17th (!!!) …but I think I’ll be there.

Word, this is pretty nice timing seeing how i just got back into town!

I’ll probably make it out for SF4.

I would if I could… :frowning:

oh god damnit i thought it was on saturday… and i fucking requested that day off!

So yeah, I am pulling overtime this Sunday, I almost certainly won’t be able to make it. :\

Updated the tournament info.

PARKING: If you show up early enough (prob before 9am??) there is usually free parking on the street around the Key Area…

As I said in a previous post… nothing else is going on Xbox wise at TP3 on Sunday…so essentially you all have 4 TVs and 4 360s for all day…so once the bracket is done, do what you want until sometime between 6pm and 9pm, when the event ends.

I will be out there. Can’t just let eman win by default if noone else shows.

Might make this if am not too shit faced from saturday night.

Too bad TW couldnt have been run from this event… but Frank never got back to me about it…

I will be there to win.

I’ll be there so you can’t lol. It’ll be good to see how people have progressed with money on the line. No one’s free sunday.

Watch out. I might just fuck people up.

Looks fun, ill be there.

Who is planning to make it out for this? So far we have these people saying for sure they plan to come-


I know there are a lot more people who are looking to compete, so if you have some sort of plan to come, at least post up about it so we can get some people hyped. There will be Marvel and ST, which I know Brian Ma and Keith are coming for.

Here is a repost of the room location-

Seattle Center Pavillion- Room B

Warren Ave N & Thomas St

The Red Room on the Map

Chris is also going to need people to bring hardrives or memory cards with unlocks on them. He has 1, I am bringing 1, so we need 2 more.

Here is a repost of the first post with some updated information.

I’d love to make it to this… But I have a project due on Monday that I’m planning on putting off until Sunday.

I’ll be there