What’s the word on the ST Tourney?
Most likely Sunday at noon, $20 entry.
Also, in case anyone still hasn’t heard, Final Round is the first qualifier for Tournament of Legends!
Results from Final Round
1st - Damdai
2nd - Alex Valle
3rd - Jason Cole
4th - UltraDavid
Because Damdai won the fan vote, Alex Valle gets the qualifier.
Does any one record final round st ?
I did. Uploading soon.
I just want to take this time and give out a big thank you to damdai. I as well as others really appreciate the time and effort you put into keeping this game alive sir.
Thanks, I appreciate it But Kuroppi and Ghaleon deserve all of the credit this year for organizing this awesome circuit of tournaments. I can only offer myself as a target for aspiring players and challengers.
The final 7 matches of the tournament have been uploaded.
I’ll upload the other 20+ matches over the next few days.
What the
Is Cammy a bad matchup for Sim or something?
Oh yeah she is.
Dhalsim still beats Cammy, but much like fighting thawk, is only applicable at the top.
It wasn’t an intended counterpick btw. I used Cammy exclusively from the start through some hondas and boxers. Had to switch it up when I ran into Valle’s osagat in winners final.
Cole actually tried to osagat my shit but decided it wasn’t meant to be after 5 failed attempts to select him from multiple people, ha!
5 people failed at mashing up and down + jab?
What is it about the Cammy matchup that gives Sim so much trouble?
I really didn’t think you’d bust out Cammy! Nice wins as usual. I wonder if Valle realizes O’ken is better match against Hawk. With his DP reactions I think he might have given you a better match.
Her j. strong beats almost all of his anti-airs clean including his slides and, if done properly, his super.
Well done to Damdai and Valle! The Winner’s Finals, and Grand Finals I’m sure, were so epic! I hope all of the qualifiers are as awesome as Final Round.
To anyone that can answer this: Why use low short and jump jab ticks against O.Gat instead of stand jab (walking) ticks?
I heard low short is better for some reason also, maybe to avoid a wakeup tiger knee, who knows.
Because st jab ----> wlking 360 is harder than st fierce ----->super, is my guess.
Oh, my bad. I should’ve made it clear that he was using O. Hawk, not N. Hawk.
I’m just not good at it
No I mean that tick is harder to do than doing a st fierce comboed into super with the rest of the cast.