"Toughest in the Universe!" Paul Q&A Thread

Sorry to be dumb, but what is EX Sway doing for me? It doesn’t mix high or low and seems to be stuffed by wakeup reversals. Is there a way to time it so that it stuffs reversals, or perhaps smacks rollers?

I figured meaty Bone Crusher or Hammer of the Gods would be best, but I’d need an antiroll option: i suppose throw always works.

If timed right, it dodges most to all wake up reversals or beats them, is a very ambiguous anti roll tool at the same time and leads to huge damage and another knockdown. This skill on wake up has won me so many rounds, I lost count.

I will just have to practice the spacing on it then I suppose. All good things to have, and then I guess you do highlows once they start respecting it and turtling up.

I’ve been running a Lars/Paul team for sometime now after switching from having Paul on point. Would you guys say he’s much better on point? I have so much trouble getting in with Paul that I’ve even contemplated swapping him out with someone else entirely. I know his bnb’s for the most part so thats not really so much an issue for me.

Paul is way way more suited for anchor position. So yeah, Lars is fine as point.

Are there any setups that help lead into CH Smasher or is it just a nice bonus every once in a blue moon? I’m thinking that if I play a strong CADC game into throw/overhead it will tempt them to push buttons, in which case I can let a smasher go (2 frame gap with cl.mp) for that homerun bat noise.