Tougeki ST '08!

Dark Claw was the shit yo, they need to bring that back…

Yeah it’s been a long time since I’ve been on Live. Sorry but you won’t see me practicing AE on there. I haven’t forgotten about you guys, trust me. I’m training hard on just ST using NFBA p2p on my cpu. Hoping to be in top form for the tourney, it’s June 21st.

I am hoping to be out at Evo again this year but I don’t take these things for granted so we’ll see. I lost a bit of excitement when I found out it was the remix version but I guess that’s not fair for me to judge so soon without playing the game.

yea same here kinda bummed its remix mode but then again its kinda of exciting to see whats stored up for the ST this year should be lots of fun and ive been tyring to get the Nfba running but i get lag with everyone i hope to fix it so i can jump in!!

Oh and Congrats to Otochun and ARG!!! scary team too face this year :amazed:

For the people who win the SBO qualifier in the US (at the MWC tourney), who covers the expenses for their trip to Japan? Do they just pay out-of-pocket? I heard a rumor that the trip would be subsidized by the entrance fees from the tournament. Can anyone confirm that? And if it’s true, what happens if there isn’t enough to cover all the ticket and hotel costs?

Just curious about how all this works.

Gotoh & SuperStar
YuuVega & Noguchi
ARG & Otochun

are qualified but there has been like 6 qualifiers already and no results :frowning:

I don’t have any new info and I’m not sure how interesting this will be to anyone but I attended the qualifier at club sega in ikebukuro. It was the first japanese tournament I’ve ever taken part in and the level of play was, as you’d expect, stupidly high. The format is obviously 2on2 but I didn’t have a team mate. So I filled out the entry form and because I was on my own called myself ‘team desk’ (??? desk) lol. Fortunately before the comp started I met a japanese dic player called Ren who didn’t have a team mate either so we teamed up. By this time it was too late to change the team name so, much to my embarrassment, our name went up on the bracket as team desk :(.

I use chun and my worst match up is undoubtedly ryu. So who do I play first? ‘Imagawa yosimoto’ the team of shiro (ryu) and tiara (dic). Needless to say, I didn’t win. Ren played awesomely in a dic mirror match but just lost in the final round.

if you look closely at the fist pic you can just see the back of my head, 3rd from the left, lol.

Other cool things, the entry fee was the price of 1 credit (something I had to have explained to me several times). Gian entered on his own and was knocked out immediately by an awesome honda player. For some reason honda was by far the most popular character at the quaifier. All of the players were really hospitable. The guy I teamed up with and his friends took us out for some ramen and then to game newton for the best ST session I’ve had by a long, long way. Managed to get a few games in against gian and I realised just how inexperienced I am at ST, I got 2 wins all evening and both felt like I’d won some huge tournament, lol. Oh yeah and they were very willing to give me tips and advice, Ren even filled in 2 sides of a4 with illustrations and notes on how to improve my chun.

And a big thumbs down to there being no european ST qualifeirs :frowning: I suppose it’s only fair though, 3s is hella more popular here.

Awsome read man :tup:


Hey good to hear about another srk’er in Japan… I’m further up north but occasionally get down to Tokyo arcades. KKY (dhalsim) came to our local tournament here last night. btw do you play Anniversary on Xbox live? not pristine Super Turbo but it’ll do, let me know when you’re on.

David Boudreau

Did you seen the mad crazy Dee Jay showing at last years Evo?!? DJ is as my friend Yates put it “Hes like a Guile, that works”

Heck, DJ could almost break top tier.

They’ll take care of plane ticket. Do you need a partner for Super Turbo?

cool man, unfortunately I’m not in japan anymore, came back last week. Also I don’t play online :frowning: oh yeah and console hyper is way more different to arcade ST than I could have imagined. I hadn’t played ST for a good few years and I’d become used to the speed and feel of hyper. Not good.

Where was your local tournament out of interest? and are you going to attend any qualifiers?

The local tournament was in Shirone in Niigata, and also was a qualifier. KKY won with Kikai, but not before being put to the test by local Taka’s boxer.

teams so far

Thanks for the info!
Responded via PM… already got a partner, though. :sad:

I thought Muteki and Tsuji were supposed to be a team this year. I was really hoping to see that team in action. Funnily enough, they both got partners to form Guile+Boxer teams, only it isn’t with each other.

Thanks to you and nohoho for the scoop so far.

from nohohos blog

:rofl: Dude, that’s awesome!

Has there been any sort of confirmation yet as to which non-Japan countries get to send teams, and how many they’re allowed to enter? I read a page ago that Europe will have none. USA had, what, two AE teams last year? Does Canada ever get to have a team?!

Kusumondo and Kumoda’s match against Nuki and Tokido was awesome!

:woot: yeah best team ever :tup:

It’s a few days old but this update on Nohoho’s blog has some of the most genuinely exciting matches I’ve ever seen Komoda play. If you give even two hoots about Street Fighter, you need to watch these.

Also, a newer update from there says the main event will be on August 15th.