TOSF:HQ - GTA's Competitive Fighting Training Grounds

HQ open today? June 29th?

We will be having a session on thursday as people will be out for the long weekend.

There’s no chance you guy’s will be open on Friday July 1st? I know it’s a holiday, but I only work until 5. I sure most people will be out having lives!

whens the next time hq will be open for casuals this week?

Weird question. Bit old school player from the HD Turbo days of arcade glory. Feeling nostalgic and picked up fighting games again. Wouldn’t mind checking out the local talents, but I get the impression I am a tad old for some venues. Don’t want to drop by and y’all looking at my 30 years old self and feeling like I should be kicked out. What is the feeling regarding the age of players around here?

pedophile status? I’m pretty sure the gaming scene has also matured somewhat, so I doubt you’ll feel out of place. You also wont be the oldest player around. But if you are, I’ll be happy :slight_smile:

edit: What were the results from the Random Select Tourney on Thursday?

Don’t worry, I don’t have plans to relinquish my Senior Citizen title any time soon, I’ve still got a few years on you. Age is all a state of mind. :slight_smile:

Heh, 30 year old self. You’re not the oldest, or close to it.

I won cuz i’m a random select genius! Plus i had phoenix twice and wolverine, several times. =p

I’d love to get in on this when I get back to TO from Hong Kong at the end of summer. Problem is, i live downtown, carless. Any way of getting there by public? Unless someone wants to give a fellow SF fanatic a ride XD.

Results for last week’s Random select tourny:

1st White-r
2nd Darkdragon
3rd Quan
4th Nickcam
5th Spiral Guy
5th Jeebus
7th Paul187
7th Jamin
9th Chaos2d

Also, we will be having a session on Friday

yea thats why :confused:

We’ll run it back. You should join Teddy. Rep up OG Sauga!

HQ open today?

Any sessions going on throughout the week?

HQ sessions will be on hold as we are currently prepping up for the BBQ

Looking forward to the BBQ on Friday! Will anyone want to play HF, A3 or CVS2 with me? :o

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Lets play!

I might come down with a friend or two for 2 weeks.

Im very interested playing you guys in AE and leveling up. If we really do come down I’ll phone the #'s listed. Hopefully we can get in a huge amount of games.

Will any of the food at today’s BBQ be kosher? I ask on behalf of the Jewish members of our community, most notably D4Kim

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