Toronto June 07 Thread

Maybe ask them to fix it cause we wanna start having these ranbats? If they know, and if we bug em enuf, maybe they will fix them.

One off us should go and tell them that there will be a big bi-weekly event every friday at funland and that at least 20 people would be playing on the 3s machine.

I read somewhere on srk about a guide on how to run a tournmanet and other things and it said that before you do such events or tournament, you should always let the people in charge of the arcade know beforehand.

Nah, Funland would get ready to hire some thugs to stab and mug the “massive” amount of 3s players.

Lol! Too good… Man, I don’t mind getting mugged, as long as they don’t stab me. I don’t really mind getting stabbed either, as long as it’s a clean knife and they don’t hit a vital.

fuck, anyone know where i can get Lumines1 for the psp?

Check this out:

I asked the owner at Funland and they are fine with a ranbat on next Friday,

I just read on Tekken Canada that Orbit has closed down as of yesterday. Can anyone on here confirm this?.

They’re undergoing a major renovation.

And by renovation you mean “re-open” for business right? Or are they changing Orbit’s area into another Chinese resteraunt or something. either way this sucks…

From what I understand, ORBIT is going through a major overhaul as it concerns design and the games that are actually in there right now. I’d been in contact with management about six weeks - two months ago after they came to me wanting to know what the latest fighting games were. Subsequent contact let me know they were planning to change the place up completely and I wasn’t the only one they’d contacted about new games in the place. Either way, ORBIT should be going through a big change.

Old man: A change…change for the better!

I guess the new games at LG is killing them, so it’s time they do something about it. lol… anyways hoping for the best from orbit.


If you’ve been lazy so far, I suggest getting on the ball if you want to save a lot of the games from being dropped.

Nice man. I got my mem stick yesterday, I’ll be at Funland today after work and tomorrow to tape some matches! Oh yeah, check out the new Funland thread I made (or that I’m about to make in World forum).

It’s about time. Hopefully the changes they’re making aren’t just related to what games are there; in my opinion more is required. Can’t wait to see the results.

No Kof. 2 AC boards, 2 Marvel, a tv for Dat Madden.

They need to increase the volume on Guitar Freaks, you can still hear the Drummania machine next to you when you’re playing.

apparently it’s now “playspace: a place for play”


Should’ve been called Funplace or Playland.