Top Colossus teams

mixah posted the other day that ruby heart AA/ bbhood/ jugg is a 100 percent THC. I think the jugg got to be glitched though, for it to be 100 %

Colossus takes good damage as well sentinel hit me sometimes and does like regular damage, sometimes i take down sentinels like nothing not the real good ones but average sentinels, colossus forward dash can beat out sentinels rocket punches sometimes if it is time right, thats why when there about to do a HSF on my i quickley just do the power dive and and sentinel then send out storm does okay damage.

colossus/cable/tbonne is the best colossus team. wrecks MSP because if you ever see psylocke, just do j. rh, c. rh+tbonne, lk shoulder tackle. it’s like 50% or more. mag can’t do jack.

Agreed. I use this team once in a while in casual. Sent ground covers Collosus really well, and with a gliched juggy comes major damage. Cr lk, fk(with juggs) shoulder tackle does 80%. Ouch, with no super. They can roll however, but still pretty cool.