Welcome to every single form of competitive activity ever. Now shut it.
As for the topic, any fighting game really. They all have their respective tier lists in terms of scrubs, decent, good and godlike players.
Welcome to every single form of competitive activity ever. Now shut it.
As for the topic, any fighting game really. They all have their respective tier lists in terms of scrubs, decent, good and godlike players.
Pretty Girl Fighter
There’s guessing in EVERY fighting game to a certain degree. But if you think 3s involves more guessing than any other fighter, it probably means you haven’t played it enough. Kinda funny considering it’s your screenname and all, unless that’s supposed to be ironic like those pornstaches the hipsters wear.
On topic, SF2, 3s, VSav, and Guilty Gear are games where I feel rewarded by getting deeper into the system and those tend to be the games I play the most. And like someone said, it’s hard to be a new player at any of those games because there’s so much to learn and there always seems to be a big gap between the top and bottom players. So I guess that’s a reward. You get to wtfbbqown anyone who hasn’t played the game for more than 10 years if you’re a pro. And even then, you’ll probably still win.
Shaq Fu
ggxx ac is a good game, but compared to bbcs2 it’s one-dimensional. Almost every character in gg has the same goal: knockdown then lockdown. I don’t know what people are talking about, but bb is more dynamic. you get knocked down in gg pressure is GUARANTEED. In bb you have to constantly out think your opponent because of all the ways to get up from being on the ground. what would happen if gg characters had to guess which way the opponent was going to recover? I-no, millia, eddie, ect. would have to do a lot more to keep a player pinned down.
bb’s characters are designed to allow a player to play offensive or defensive more freely(gg is almost anti-defense). also their style of play is even more separated from each other(they both are good at this, but bb is just better). ky and sol have more in common(gameplay-wise) than jin and ragna. because of the larger move list(drives by themselves add ridiculous options for strategies), no one plays similar to any other character in bb(like i said the same for gg, but more-so for bb).
I can understand why people like gg more(characters they’re fond of and guaranteed opportunities for pressure), but after a while something that’s most-likely to happen starts to get boring. bb just has more freedom. frc’s are definitely missed by pros, it’s because of how much timing was required that caused gg to be less successful(to bb). all of bb systems are streamlined versions of gg’s and it added some extras(like the libra system). anything that happens in the game is explained in-game(from grabs in blockstun to missed recover points while being comboed). it’s just a more polished game.
Care to tell me why gg is better?
Dragon Ball Z games
This is a good thread and not a troll thread at all.
Capitalism Rules All For Free.
The Shoe is S-Tier.
You’re not seeing me with my thimble
lmao, do you know what are you talking about, or are only spreading bullshit without thinking
i love BB, but saying that the chars of BB are more versatile than the chars of GG is ridiculous, and more saying that they are one dimensional, considering that this was one of the many things that a lot of players felt about the bb cast when compared to gg, wich they are more versatile since they allow that the players be different even when the use the same char, and your generalization of the gameplay is just wrong, its like saying that every char on bb has the same goal since in the end they want to land that combo, you are just ignoring the gameplan of every char wich is very different from each other, and saying that bb offers more freedom than gg is even worse, considering that gg has more deffensive and offensive options when compared to bb, hell gg is a way more polished game than bb, just for the same reason, since its a more complete game, where the chars have more versatile tools, and the mechanics are more refined instead of the dumbed down mechanics of BB, not to mention that they are more related to each other since almost all actions depends of the same meter making the desicions more important cuz you have to ponder if it will be more beneficious for you at the end using you meter for a Dead Angle attack instead of using it for a Faultless Defense then following with wathever mixup that you want
btw if you really believe that GG the deffense pplay is not important you are fucking wrong, if you really want t be succesful at GG, you need a really solid defense game, also the frc’s arent missed because they are hard to do or whatever dellusional thing that you think, they are “missed” because they are a powerful tool that makes the mixup game more scary and also adds a great array of oportunities from a gamplay perspective
BB is a great game, but in no way is better than GG
more like
It’s gone 3am so here’s my vague list with no explanations (in no order):
I cannot tell you why GG is better, because I haven’t played enough BB. I can tell you why GG rewards the better player more than BB does, though.
GG neutral game is all about footsies and positioning, like any FG. The better player makes the first opening majority of the time, and they’re usually rewarded with a knockdown into a guaranteed mix up. BB is the same up until the knockdown. Your only reward for being the better player is you cover the roll with some type of OS and get a meaty, to a blockstring, to usually, a rather subpar mix up, if that.
Another, more prominent reason being, GG doesn’t throw risk/reward out of the window the way a character like CS2 Noel does. 2D/4D are lower and upper body invul respectively… And it’s not even like a DP where if you just block and she throws it out, you get to punish, you actually have to guess which she’s going for and take the risk of hitting a button to beat it out, otherwise she just gets to chain to a drive string…
if you guess right, Midscreen you are rewarded with probably about 2K damage and maybe putting her in the corner. If you guess wrong, you risk 4K and most likely going to be cornered.