Fei Long…
I think I will pick him again once AE2012 drops in PC
I don’t have much experience with the matchup at all. What normals are the best to throw out against her ? What should I do to punish blocked dive kicks ? Her neutral jump game is a pain to deal with too, but I think I figured out what I should be doing against that.
I think the most important part of this forum we need to work on is adding to and updating the match-up thread. I don’t think there is a specific one, but there is section on match-ups in the Master Fei guide in the stickies, and that looks like a dust covered, 10% complete jigsaw puzzle.
I agree that the match up threads are a bit empty, but I don’t think you guys know how much work it takes to compile/correct all of that stuff. It doesn’t magically happen. You guys are going to have to do it.
I know it’s a community effort, and I don’t know about anyone else, but I know my matchup knowledge is lacking. Even the stuff I do know I’m not sure is correct.
Anyway, I think what everyone needs to transition into is the actual wiki we have for this game. That’s pretty empty as well. With that we can actually update it easily without having to wait for the thread starter to make changes. I think we all know how helpful and easy to use Wikipedia is. So why are we using this inconvenient sticky topic style to share matchup knowledge on Fei? Just looking at the page(link below), I feel that it’s much nicer to read.
If you agree, spread the word.