Tiers list based on top ten XBL players

I really like your idea of having a tier list for HDR.

I think you need to include data from XBL and PSN as well.

You could also use some tournament results like EVO, and granted it is a sparse amount of data, it should be assigned more weight in your system, since prior tournament results were used to determine prior tier lists.

The top 100 of each console could be used as a basis, with tournament results mixed in as well.

I always knew Balrog was not top tier!
Now I don’t feel so bad!

lol i love how im still top 10 yet i havent played hdr in like 4 months. seriously

I’m gonna do it! Where can I find the EVO results? I need spreadsheets, I need pencils, pads of paper and calculators - I am going to work out the tiers using real live data! Erm, or at least start it…

Seriously - are EVO results online anywhere?

That’s to be expected though, since your rank will never change or lower if you don’t play.

I mentioned a few of the problems Zass posted earlier and about this issue in a blog during the beta test :

and posted this to Capcom and even Seth Killian commented he liked the ideas… however Capcom still seem to be a million years away from actually implementing any of this stuff.

If you combined the best parts of VF5, HDR, SF4, Zass’s post and my post together, you’d actually be getting very close to a really good ranked match system! :wow: The sad thing is, none of it is really that complicated to do or new ideas really.

The basic “top 8” positional finishes are here:

But that’s really nothing like the data you’re after. You really want every single match and who played who I’d guess.

EVO results data is pretty wonky.

As has been reported, there were numerous accounts of problems playing the game from lag to differences on the PS3 vs. 360 to having to play in very unfamiliar stick/chair/floor setup configurations.
(plus EVO didn’t have any HDR set-ups to practice on and for those staying at the Gold Coast the TVs were configured to disallow hooking up a console)

I made it to the “Semis”, and I couldn’t execute on a basic level: I couldn’t control the timing/distance of my jumps (unfamiliar setup), I couldn’t follow and react to the screen effectively (unfamiliar setup), and I couldn’t execute moves after jumps effectively (PS3 vs. 360).

Maybe the people in the Top 8 were happy with the play set-up and that data is good, I don’t know.

Tournament set-ups most definitely need to be standardized.

Which console, size of screen, acceptable controllers, etc.

Personally, I think that all tournament matches should be on head-to-head set-ups. None of this low rent sitting next to each other, with one or both players on the floor, using the same screen.

I realize that there are financial (and perhaps spatial) costs involved with this approach, but to me, this is the only way these games should be played at the highest level.

Just my opinion.

I completely agree. This would be the ideal setup. Maybe one day…

On a somewhat related note, the joystick setup thing drove me nuts at EVO because of the time it took to set up, then double check to make sure that the buttons worked and then some people were so paranoid about the settings not saving, they wouldn’t want to reset the game. You would have to wait for 1P to KO 2P, 2P select their character, then have 2P KO 1P so 1P could select their character.

I realize there probably isn’t much that can be done about that but it was such a time consuming process. (Everyone who participated in the HDR regional tournament knows what I’m talking about.)

Yep, i was one of the paranoid people that wouldn’t reset the game. It happened to my opponent… we reset the game and his button config got lost! Only way to be sure is to KO the opponent. Sorry for taking people’s time but it takes more time when the match starts and buttons are messed up to redo everything.

I’m aware of the PS3 glitch so I understand where you and others are coming from. Even without the glitch, it’s a time consuming process but what can you do?

I guess I just miss the days of arcade cabinets were you just had to deal with the joystick and buttons that were there for you.

I figured this would be a good time to state the obvious. Play on 360! :slight_smile: It would be nice if Microsoft did get in on sponsoring Evo. Then you would have all of the consoles you need to hook them up LAN style and then put two TVs back to back and…


Head-to-head competition is back, baby!!! YEAH!!! :lovin:

Plus you give Sony the added incentive to patch their version and fix the known issues so they can be the standard at Evo 2011!!!

One can dream. :slight_smile:

So do I, Bob. So do I. One day I’m going to get on over to your place for an old school beatdown. One day…