Tohno shiki Top tier ??? umm something is wrong here.
I believe Grant, Gato and Jenet are considered higher than Kevin now.
4549 , i’m waiting for answer
4 different tier lists for SC2
And since we’re in america, I recommend following WCMaxi’s.
Seung Mina
is for console.
I’m responsible for the kof 2k2 tier list. Emil is the guy to talk about it though. he and I differ in that he believes angel and may lee belong in top tier. but that’s only in mexico.
You must be nuts to believe such a thing.
There’s nothing wrong. He definately deserves that.
yeah, kuuchuu uki glitch is air walk glitch i.e. superjump 236+kk
hyo is pretty good but i think he has slower normals than a lot of people, most noticeably momo who is crazily braindead ( not that i don’t like playing her though…s.lp cr.lp, dash buffer, repeat ftw…safe on block and safe from most tardy counters, and then you just hit confirm into her bnb )
i agree with shiki tohno being top…
she’s top tier that a real fight between players usually occur if momo taunts
What’s special about 2P Duck King in KOFXI?
edit: Wait, I just looked at the tier list. Why does that hideously inaccurate MvC1 tier list have my name on it?
yes i’m curious
from Empyrian on orochinagi, about 2p Duck:
From what I understand, after a blocked chain of down A, stand b, 2p Duck has way better frame advantage. Basically Duck’s down A upgraded from very good to a bit glitchy. If I read correctly, it can beat slams… and there’s comments about 1F throws also…
The list used for Hokuto no Ken in the document was the very first Arcadia tier list of the game from like a month or so of playtime. The final tier list from Arcadia was something like
S: Rei, Toki
A: Yuda, Raoh
B: Kenshiro, Shin, Souther
C: Heart, Mamiya
D: Jagi
Not 100% positive on the Souther/Heart placement in the final list, but recent development in Southers gameplay via Hige puts him ahead of Heart in my opinion.
it’s almost perfect .
Can I get an accurate count on this?
Strider2k2; check your PM.
He is top tier get over it. My beef is with Nero and kohaku not being rated higher though. They are still uper mid IMHO.
This is kind of long, but I did some updating to this list about 2-3 months ago on several games (i.e. KOF XI etc.) and added games as well–still not up to date on many others however, but thats more because I never got around too it >< P.S. I can upload this to another website in .txt form and edit this post smaller if desired, or Email if someone else would like to host, please feel free to let me know
the KOF MI2 tier list you have is the old one. here is the updated accurate one:
s - armour ralf, richard meyer, mr. karate
a - billy kane, lilly kane, kula diamond, athena asamiya, luise meyrink, iori yagami,
mai shiranui, maxima, alba meira, seth, fio germi, kim kaphwan
b - bonne jenet, duke, classic kyo, kyo kusanagi, leona heidern, lien neville, nightmare geese howard, chae lim, ralf jones, clark steel, yuri sakazaki
c - nagase, hanzo hattori, terry bogard, wild wolf, ninon beart, K’, jivatma, hyena, mignon beart, ryo sakazaki, soiree meira, rock howard
granted, anyone can win in this game in my opinion, even though each grouping of characters has distinct clear advantages ( mr karate vs wild wolf, for example, is completely in mr karate’s favor from the get-go ) but even the low tiers are capable of overcoming overwhelming odds ( see wild wolf and rock howard’s break ability leading to insane pressure games, nagase’s high low teleport mixup, ninon’s teleporting annoyance, soiree’s painful otg game, etc ).
Argh, stop!
move chun, guile and honda down one notch and move yamazaki and kim up one notch.
move shen, terry and vanessa down to C class. leader adel is definitely B class. iori should be moved down one class since he does like no damage. hes like the opposite of ramon, good normals but shit damage and shitty tag combos. king also belongs in D class. kasumi and shingo should be in E class, especially when shingo is not leader. not gonna make much difference but gato should be one tier higher. yes, he is THAT damn good. and eiji is better than oswald. you heard it here first. imo, duck is still S class even when hes in the first player side.
my rankings:
SSS: Gato
SS: Kula
S: Eiji, Oswald(L), Clark, Kim, Duck
A: Ralf, Kyo, Gai, Maxima
B: K’, Ash, Adel(L), Jazu, Ryo, B. Jenet, Kensou
C: Silber, Terry, Duo Lon, Vanessa, Malin, Benimaru, Elizabeth(L), Shen Woo
D: Yuri, King, Ramon, Mary, Tizok, Iori
E: Kasumi, Shingo(L), Athena(L), Whip, Hayate, Momoko
- Chun
- Rose
3-5. (tie) Ryu/E.Ryu/Ken - Zangief
- Rolento
- Sakura
- Sagat
- Charlie
- Akuma
- Sodom
- Adon
- Dhalsim
- Bison
- Guy
- Gen
- Birdie
- Dan
this is more accurate. anyone from #9-#16 is debatable but its generally agreed upon that chun is the best with rose and shotos in the top tier minus akuma.
the top and midtop are set in stone, except maybe for v-vega.
anything after the mid-top tier but before the bottom tier is hard to tier since like cvs2, the game is pretty balanced.
top: v-akuma, a/v-Sim, v-sak
mid-top: v-gief, v-sagat, a/v-charlie, v-ryu, v-vega
mid: v-sodom, a/v-chun, v-cody, a-gen, v-karin, v-rolento, v-ken, a-balrog
lower mid: a-guy, v-mika, v-cammy, v-juni, a/v-rose, a-bison, v-adon, v-blanka,
bottom: birdie, dan,, juli:sad:
About KoF 2002, I am pretty sure Angel is not only top tier, but is also the best character in both Mexico and Brazil. She also appears a lot in videos from asian countries as well. Athena, Billy and Choi are probably the 3 best at lesser levels. I mean good levels, but not latin America or Asia stuff.