I want to test if just doing regular dp punch attack will do it. I would punish her freely all day!
Also i think Glacius is, by far, Thunder’s worst matchup. :S
Yes, HP (and I think MP) dp get her after she does her Heavy web (the one that attaches to you and pulls her down to you).
Apparently you can also shadow counter it (block the web attach then press shadow counter before she comes in and hits you) but I haven’t tested it, that and if shes still airborne it seems like a waste of meter.
I’ve been having a harder time against zoner jagos (the ones that spam fireballs and anti air you if you try to jump over them and if they are getting close to the corner they just H windkick to the otherside of the screen)
Both of Glacius shadow moves are very is to break (be careful of counters)
If he’s far away you can use his jump backs as an opportunity to dash in
If he’s near buy and jump you can either meet him in the air with a well timed HK which will hit his limbs clean (occasionally trades) or dash+HP dp cancelled into skyfall which covers 2/3 of the screen (don’t do this if he has fireball out or it’ll hit you out of skyfall)
Once you have him knocked down, time you crossup attempts to throw off his puddle punch
Zoner Jagos they are hard to beat you are right about that. What I would do is I would walk up and block instead of jumping over his fireballs and trap him in the corner. Usually Jagos that would see me walk up to them and not jump over the fireball would like to throw a heavy windkick -but we already know how to deal with that now ;)- so I make sure to anticipate random windkicks. Also I like to stay in max Far Heavy Punch range -of thunder- . It has great range and can buffer medium triplaxe or Heavy command grab.
I just wish me blocking fireballs wouldn’t give him so much darn meter (really think this needs adjusting lol)
I also get caught by wind kicks that are done right after I block a fireball (so I’m waking forward)
This is the shit that actually gets under my skin so badly… losing against good jagos i have absolutely no prob with, its these Spammers… now i dont confuse zoners with spammers cause i have played good ZONING jagos that do pretty nice set ups but spamming fireballs until i get in then using your quicker jumps and back dashes to hurry to the other side of the screen to start the process again…ugh…the only thing that helps me out in this case is jumping in close and delaying a jumping HK until right before hitting the ground to try to stuff out any forward movement.
also im having a hard time i must say with after i get knocked down , jumping M kicks from jago. with most other chars i can wage which wake up SRK to use but it seems that with all 3 punches, I take the hit 90% of the time. i even tried using d+HP and thats usually either a trade or i get hit… and as for blocking … i never use a pad for fighting games and until i get my stick made quick guesses with the dpad or analog is my downfall. even when i know its going to attack as an over head, i even up more pressing up back and get snuffed this also applies to trying to walk forward and make quick blocks for spamming jagos.
Thunders jumping MK and HP is good for mix ups but his jumping MP is great for snuffing out other air attacks.
there are really onle a few things that normally beat it in the air and those that usually do come from good players that have good timing. ( also helps if you dont abuse it ) This kills ALOT of air happy Sadiras
HP command grab whiffs ALOT after a conected hit outside of combos. It seems that the hit before the command grab has to be meaty and in just the right spot other wise its whiff city. ( someone correct me if im wrong cause if so i can just chalk this up to me analog stick controlling
against players that are good at counter breaking, after i see its a normal part of their game ( button pressing), Super command grabs on reaction is working for me better than trying to react any other way. good damage and puts me back in control once they are on their back. plus after 2 or three of these they are usually shook up a bit conflicted in which method to further their combos
been away for a week on business so i havent played much lately … but i did find out that these just came out. havent watched them yet but heard that they are good!!
also something that i thought of in theory but havent had the chance to test yet… standing HK, if i remember correctly, doesnt have a hurt box on Thunder’s leg, only his body… maybe…just maybe… this will work again wake up DPs if spaced correctly? going to try to test this out in the lab tonight… of any anybody know that this doesnt work feel free to chime in haha
The kick is solid, but since most if not all dp’s are at least upper body invincible, I don’t know how well this would work. Id imagine the best case scenario you could expect would be that the kick and dp would just pass through or trade. I could most certainly be wrong though. Ive seen that kick beat Glacius’ silly ass air pokes clean though so its a damn good poke if nothing else. Exploring it should be definitely high priority.
yeah i been trying and its not consistent… sometime it snuffs out the dp some times it trades sometime i get caught…so i guess so far i still gotta work on the timing.
something off hand… with the xbox and skydrive whats the best option for uploading matches to youtube? for some reason my test upload comes though as blurry. how do i get the best resolution with a capture software. or is there a capture software i can use after i have my file already download to my computer
record the match using the console’s game dvr (either replay the match or after finishing one, go to dvr, select end clip now and tell it to keep last 3 or 5 mins depending on how long the match was. or always use 5 to be safe)
Go into console’s Upload Studio (you need to have kinect plugged in), select your editing option (trim is the simplest for basic ones)
Select media from game dvr then select the recording you saved
edit it by trimming the length/adding filters, etc.
click on finish then upload then tell upload to skydrive
it’ll rending the video then upload to your skydrive account
in skydrive, navigate to your pictures folder and keep digging in till you find the vid, right click on it and save to your PC
i actually would like to main thunder but i have no idea how i should play him since i’m so used to playing sadira but i like him alot since not alot of people play him & he hits really fucking hard if any of you guys wish to help me level up my thunder add me on xbl SoO AmaZYN
i actually did this very same process with my test video but for some reason the quality came out blurry for the first half of my video… how do i get the best resolution possible. ? thanks thanks for the help man.
Also i saw these on the Double Helix forum Big thanks to Tengo and FinchoMatic for the info they posted on Thunders manuals.
also i know there is a chart someone … ill try to post that also.
Tengos notes
openers = startup of combos,
example doing a medium punch then light triple axe is an opener
linkers = basically doing it in a combo
opener, auto, linker, auto,linker then ender.
light triple axe opener
any manual*
light triple axe linker
lighy manual only
medium triple axe opener
i think any manual
medium triple axe linker
light manual only
heavy triple axe opener
light manual only
triple axe extended(hold punch)
any manual*
light ankle slicer opener
any manual*
light ankle slicer linker
light manual only
medium ankle slicer opener
any manual*
medium ankle slicer linker
any manual*
heavy ankle slicer opener
-any manual*
ankle slicer extended
didnt test
you can link his heavy kick auto double to a light manual as well
his far standing heavy kick can be link into a light manual
i have link his far medium kick to light manual aswell in an online match but didnt test it.
any others manuals please post.
FinchoMatics notes
Lights: Can perform any light/medium punch/kick manuals
Medium: Can perform any light/medium punch/kick manuals
Heavy: Can perform any light/medium punch/kick manuals
Lights: Can perform any light/medium punch/kick manuals
Medium: Can perform any light/medium punch/kick manuals
Heavy: Can perform all three punch/kick manuals
Command Back Throw
Can perform at times only light, medium, and now more recently heavy punch manuals