Thoughts on TA Frutsy and EVO 2012

If MvsC3 some day is available on PC i will mod modok with sombrero, no to mucho mexican, but ill do. LOL

M.O.D.O.K: Mexican Organism Designed Only for Killing

Apparently there was a slightly modified version of this going around at one point…

M.O.D.O.K: Mexican Organism Designed Only for Knives

Seriously though mad respect to all those guys.

Haha, that would be cool.

Frutsy is godlike. the best thing about him is he is always having fun. everytime i saw that guy last week he had a huge smile on his face. good stuff to frutsy and mexico. and shoutouts for playing on a homemade bomb.

Frutsy is awersome, MODOK, Task Master and Capitan America, great team!!!

hello guys!!!

I´m really glad with your comments and I have a great smile now jejeje

thank´s a lot to all spectator and players for this thread and for all I see and I only want to say:

Mexican Organism Designed Only for Kill… now you know why…


GOOD SHIT FRUTSY! I was that long haired guy who was in Dino’s pool that occasionally was hanging around with the Mexican crew. Really glad to see you and Taekua putting Mexico on the map. :smiley:

ohhhh yeaahhh I know you are!!! hello!!! thank you and I´m glad to meet you there :smiley:

Nos vemos en el siguiente Foro Versus en Octubre Frutsy. Vamos a tener un lugar todavia mas grande y padre que la ultima vez. Voy al Revolucion tambien en Noviembre con Dino entonces a lo mejor ahi tambien. :slight_smile: Todo la banda en Guadalajara quiere retar a ti y a Taekua otra vez! jaja


Yo you did well rubeks. I was really mpressed with how u played. Your modok was better than any of your performances on YouTube. U choked it up that last few games againstnchris g but still you played well.

I wonder if anyone got any of my money matches on video…hmmm, so many people don’t know modok its really advantageous.

Are you reallly that guy from evo? are on psn o live? lets get some fun would ya?

But i never play a modok before lol

I always felt like modok was to much work for me playing him (A bit to execution heavy)

I really just want to zone with the guy… but I think ima put some work in after watching all the Doks at evo. I literally had a smile on my face every time on was on screen

Another Frutsy match for your viewing pleasure. This was the offstream match of Frutsy vs Marlin Pie!


yes I´m, i have live but never play online because i can´t play thanks to the lag of the game…

my gamer tag is FRUTSY it´s simple right??? jejeje

nos vemos en foro versus 2 y fue un placer conocerte ahi :smiley:

ese match con marlin estuvo genial!!!

Daaaam!!! im on psn too bad!!! well keep that modok and cap mexico lol i wanna see you more action dude!

the next week I´ll go to a tournament in acapulco and I don´t know if there have a stream and I post my stream channel:

we have ranbats on sunday in the afternoon :smiley:

thank you again and sorry for my bad english

Bad english? You write better than me
