Thoughts on playing a beginner


Toekn3e, don’t hesitate and play. Don’t be afraid of losing and don’t care what the other guy think about you, because:
(3rd Strike Ryu quotes)
"A defeat learned from is more important than an empty victory.

  • Every moment gives us a chance to become more than what we are*.
  • It’s better to conquer a hardship then to conquer nothing at all.*"

Your desire to improve is the only incentive you need. When you pick your warrior, remember Ryu’s principles:

Keep your mind calm and pure. Focus on what is important!
[LEFT]* Range… Speed… Priority… Know and master all your attacks*[/LEFT]
Trying something new, is to explore your true potential.”

We await your return, warrior…

that’s why ryu is fucking awesome.

Yah, I gotta agree Ryu quotes are pretty fkn good.

And that’s why Ryu is for** scrubs!**


Is that why Ryu beats the shit out of Alex in his own ending?

You win this round.


If you never begin, how are you ever a beginner.

(when will Dander call you n00b?!)

Louis is a scrub, he doesn’t know who Blackuma is. (Don’t make this a new, ask top players who Blackuma is, instead of Alex Chun) But you can search SRK for “Blackuma.” Probably get me repeating some of those in the results, but you still might learn.

