Relatively new to SF and this community - waves -. I went through an odd character journey before getting to Bison. I went with Dudley at first (boxing characters always seem cool to me). The fit wasn’t really good so I went with Guy after seeing the rushdown he was capable of. Found myself getting destroyed by grapplers since my timings on links are still poor. Then I went with Akuma since I wanted to see how I’d fare with an “evil” character. I’ve never been good at fighters but when I did play I usually used good guys or neutral characters. My nubness got me killed pretty quickly so I decided to change yet again haha.
Then I got to Bison. Something clicked with Bison. I felt like I was actually starting to learn the fundamentals of the game because of how easy it was to punish people’s whiffed moves with a boot in the face and scissor kicks. Sure I could’ve learned the basics with those other characters or Ryu or something, but there was (and still is) something satisfying about a well-timed standing roundhouse or standing forward to the face. I’ve been all about the psycho power ever since haha.
Yo Bison is a mad man!!! I am stoned right now and feel like playing some SF. I’m starting to learn alot of characters. Bison is of course still the man as far as I’m concerned but for one thing I need someone to handle his bad matchups that i am just as comfortable with. TBH Sim has been doing WORK!! I swear he makes dudley look free…lol
Honda seems to be my biggest pain in the A for both characters… That motherfucker does so much damage so quick. Its not hard to get the life lead with some footsies, but keeping it is a royal pain in the ASSSSSSS!
Recent tournament I went to…I got sent to losers by and Honda…and the eliminated…by Honda… :sad:
He’s a dick to deal with, I don’t have as much problem with Bison as I do Vega against him though.
CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME THE MOTHERFUCKING LOGIC OF GOD DAMNED MOTHERFUCKING ULTRA METER BEING BUILT UP WHEN YOU’RE LOSING/BEING HIT!?!??!! Seriously, what fucking sense does this make!?!?!? I’m kicking this Balrog’s ASS. Winning the entire match. Twice the motherfucker gets an ultra in the same round, juggles me with a headbutt and wins the round?!?!? This is the god damned motherfucking equivalent to allowing a boxer to put rocks in his fucking gloves if he loses the first three rounds of the bout. Seriously why the fuck is the better player punished for carving out an advantage against someone else? It makes no god damned sense. So god damned infuriating.
And if anyone says “well, just don’t get hit by the ultra” I will come to your home and tear your beating heart from your chest!
Heeeeey my Beloved Bison mains I was in Dallas for the past few days, missed you guys hug sorry I couldn’t give any notice, I had no clue the day after I finished my psychology degree (for psycho science obsly) I wouldn’t have a day to myself to celebrate, we had to check on the house and stuff. I’m kinda living in two different worlds now. I have some time to relax now… but then I have to go back for my interview for my graduate school in a few weeks, but we’ll get the internet wired by then im sure.
Dang it, my Bison plushie did not come in yet! ;.;
Hey i was wondering, what does the “M” in “M. Bison” stand for? “Master?” or… “Mighty.” Eh if I was addressing him I’d use his “Majesty” lol.
I always thought it would be really fucking funny if Bison had a really terrible girly first name … like Marcel.
SNO ~ That seemed like way too much jumping. xd Don’t you know Chun’s combos into EX Legs? In all your match vids, you seem to only do cr. LPx3 into cr. HK.
my chun 4 days old and i dont have a stick yet. ex legs a nightmare on pad… it like bison’s warp— i cant get it to work all the time ;.; read: next to never
Bison took over the best character in Brawl’s social again. People are rebelling he isn’t being talked about enough
you know who is that gayest character about always getting two ultras a round is rose. I have been playing one of top ranked rose players online, and he gets her ultra twice a round no matter what. It goes like this… I’m mauling him hard with bison and out footsieing him then he gets ultra once and manages to take about half my life bar with it. Then I get hiim down to his last hit every single round and he pulls out ultra for a second time. There goes the other half of my life. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR… I swear I try so hard to just block but somehow he always finds a way to hit me when he has that damn Satallite going!!!
Also I’m going out of town for two weeks in a couple of days… I hope I don’t loose everything i have been working on. Bison is like riding a bike IMO though, I can never forget. But my alts are another story. Speaking of alts, I’m coming to the relization that my Sim my be better than my Bison SO GAY, thats not what I want! Looks like I’m gonna have to put double time into Dic again.