Those are called turtles.
I lost count many years ago of the number of posts that I’ve read that glorify turtling. (Sirlin does this better than anyone else; he has actually advocated turtling as a means of inducing fatigue in the opponent, and I have seen good players apply this tactic.)
Personally, I prefer to read posts that concentrate on playing this game at some level above the base level. Does anyone really admire the play of someone who plays a predominantly reactionary game? Street Fighter owes its success and longevity to people who play a lot more creatively than this. (Who’s rushing to watch turtle Honda videos on YouTube? Who really aspires to that?) This game would have been dead a long time ago if many people saw real merit in this approach (“merit” comprising much more than just winning some rounds).
Seriously, am I the only person here who plays this game predominantly as recreation? Because, while I’ll agree that turtling can lead to winning in many cases, no one can possibly consider it fun.