Needless to say there is a lot of pain and suffering in the world.
We are born with zero pain or happiness, we start at zero. The only way we could have a zero-sum life by having the exact same amount of unhappiness and happiness in our lives.
Cynicism would probably say that the majority of people have more unhappiness than happiness in their lives.
Someone conduct a sensus. How many “life is meaningless” people are in fulfilling relationships? And how many of those that aren’t think those that are, are “kidding themselves” somehow?
Candy doesn’t have to have a point. Shoot your abusive step-father in the face and carry on with a smile.
…or maybe the point of this topic was just say the world sucks? That’s the vibe I picked up from the topic title, at least. This world generally is a never-ending pile of bullshit though. There are very few good things to outweigh all the negative things. There is art, music, porn and other general entertainment, sexual pleasure, wealth, gluttony, the advancement of technology…and that’s about it. These are the good things, at least in my opinion. Everything else, particularly the human species…is straight up trash.(*there’s also one’s family, but that’s an iffy one since some people are cursed with horrible, dysfunctional families) Of course, people don’t like a “gloomy gus” or “Debbie Downer”… and they don’t like to hear bad news. The responses to such negative commentary are kind of funny sometimes, since it is predictable. The topic will always most likely get closed very soon…as “general discussion” isn’t truly “general discussion” these days on most forums.
^it’s not the t.s. topic matter that’s why I’m ridiculing him, it’s him trying to act smart while demeaning others when he can’t even use zero-sum correctly that’s cause for ridicule.
I still think you may be confusing value with meaning. Just because something has value doesn’t mean it has an inherent meaning. Value can exist without meaning, although it rarely does. If instead of “inherent value” you mean “inherent meaning”, I agree with you. However, the value of life is life itself; we live and consider our life valuable. Otherwise we wouldn’t eat and we’d all just die.
So again, if you’re saying life does not have an “inherent” meaning, then I’ll concede to that notion. However, the idea that life has no inherent value is incorrect as every creature on Earth regards its life (or the life of the tribe/hive) as important enough to defend and sustain. Again, animals don’t know what it all means, or even think of such things but they still show that life has value.
Man he’s just an Emo depressed kid that joined here on 2010, and now he’s bringing his problems here when he should go to a HOT TOPIC forum and post on how life sucks, blah blah. Maybe he killed himself I haven’t heard from him in awhile. Now can we please CLOSE this?
I don’t think the problem is that general discussion isn’t allowed, but the simple fact that general discussion should be approached with each respective forum in a different way. If this was posted on Gaia, those members would eat this shit up. However you’re dealing with fairly competent (or I’d like to say fairly smart and interesting) people here online mainly because of a certain common sense and our special niche appreciation for fighting games that brings us together.
There are other threads that probably have touched upon this topic before, but definitely in a more personal and member oriented way as opposed to a declaration of "OI…THIS IS WHO I FUCKING AM, LOOK AT ME way. Save that shit for blog posts and amateur hour. I mean it might be the difference between TIS posting about his family, whereas some other guy is posting “OMFG my daughter is a horrible person, wut to do?” TIS had made it personal and thus we accept it more openly than some other guy who posts here as he would anyone else with a blog.
Mainly: the OP here posted like he was posting to an audience or future fanbase. Members who post topics are posting them as if we were friends or comrades. While the internet is now a new place to form community, ultimately no one going to want to be talked to by someone who is probably coming off saying ““I’m the missing piece that will make your community even better.”” More importantly in an already established community, the decision to be accepted isn’t by the political correctness of common respect, but by whether the community is willing to accept you or not.
As evidenced by scrotal_region’s post, a lot of us aren’t fucking stupid or illiterate on these subjects. Whether it’s because it’s been discussed before, a topic that seems to be associated with a mind seeking to impress by scratching only the surface of a subject, or not being the most appropriate topic for such a forum; it goes to show that the method of introducing the subject was flawed and therefore must be scrutinized.
In the most famous words from long ago from an anonymous philsopher: Wrong pocket homey.
I hear people saying things like this and it always sounds so empty… like animals have no idea what the hell they’re doing, ever. has anyone ever like… walked up to a bear and actively questioned it?