regular windmill is a terrible anti air unless you’re over half screen away when they jump, otherwise use ex version, you use jab for AA, from jab you can normally combo into SUS/exSUS and tag cancel for extra damage, two bars and decent damage depending on the second character for punishing a reckless jump in is one of the most ambiguous cross-ups in the game. I really need to start using it more.
For air to air, I keep doing jump back hp but that doesn’t do much except create some distance. I have to start putting more faith in and his air target combo I think. Those two options can lead to a lot more damage so it’s the best thing to do imo. Unless you just want to run away until time runs out, then bj.hp is the best air to air.
Some ideas that someone could make something more out of.
That’s the problem I’m having… I’m trying to cut light attacks out of my combos. Gehosen, cr.MK, Gehosen instead of Gehosen,,, gehosen for example.
Scaling really hits characters like Yoshi and King hard.
Are you able to tag cancel yoshi’s mp. SUS? I can’t, and if i mash those mp/mk buttons yoshi keeps spinning like a dumb and fall to the ground
You should be able to tag cancel any connected (block or hit) attack. You just have to hit the tag within 2-3 frames, I think it is.
Certain moves that require follow up button presses like SUS and ravens sliced dicey special are difficult to switch cancel. The EX version of SUS will keep going automatically. The regular versions should go for their minimum amount of hits so switch cancel on the first hit of the normal Versions of SUS. Don’t have the guide with me or I’d be more specific.
What are the best follow frame traps after a close strong, I’ve been experimenting with a couple standing jabs followed up by a windmill buffered standing short.
I’d like to know what some of the SRK cats have to say on some frame traps. Thanks.
Also, has anybody been working on some option selects?. I’m trying to get an option select of jumping forward for windmill, but i can only get his spin moves to work properly. I’m thinking some windmill option selects could be very useful.
And, one more question. Are speed gems absolutely necessary for yoshi to have a better footsies game.
The only gems that seem worth it to me are the meter gems. Moving faster, dealing 50 more damage or taking 50 less won’t make much of a difference in a match. But a tiny bit of extra meter can make a huge difference. It can mean an extra tag cancel or super you wouldn’t get without the gems. And that can mean 200-300 more damage or it can mean saving your ass. So that’s all I use for gems.
Here are some links that are only possible off counter hit:,,, cr.lp,
-flea jump, slide headbutt (this one is possible without counter hit but harder to do. Counter hit only stuns them for a longer time)
There might be others, I think I saw in a video someone link cr.hp into cr.lp. I tried that but had no success.
The Counter hit cr HP worked because it was a meaty setup for the cr HP. That vid is in the video thread I think. Good stuff with the counter hit research.
What is Yoshi’s Air Target Combo?
Jump forward, hold b+ lk, mk
What was that setup for crossup?
I think its in the tech thread:
Cr.lp>>cr.hp> right?
So wouldn’t exchanging with j.b+lk after the first reset and then reset and then j.b+lk> be sort of a mind boggling crossup guessing game?
I wanted to put this episode of ultrachenTv on here. It’s talking about maximizing damage in multiple ways and meter management, basically how people are acting really brain dead about how the damage scaling works. They cover a ton of things but something I thought that was really important, especially for yoshi, is that we don’t need to be doing the full boost chain into launcher combos. Instead using manual launcher off of confirmed light or medium hits depending on the range.
Something that I had tried to emphasize in the combo thread was eliminating this terrible idea of doing lk, lk, mk xx srk to end combos. You are very often stunting your damage because of that second lk. Just one light, one medium xx srk is enough, and depending on how you started the combo you are probably losing damage by putting in an early light attack. It doesn’t sound important, but if you are doing longer combos with unnecessary hits, likely with both characters, you are fucking yourself damage wise.
Ultradavid talks about how it’s going to be important to keep combos short, and be mindful of your follow up setups, something Vulcan and others have been doing some great labwork on.
They also talk about switch canceling off of alpha counters, and how doing so can net you easy damage that is equal or greater than a super (same cost, more damage while BEING PRESSURED) why is this important? Because that’s yoshi’s main weak point right?
Anyways I haven’t done any labwork yet. But hopefully I can tonight and get you guys some numbers. Watch the whole video when you have time, it will help with not just yoshi, but both of your characters.
I just watched that video. Very interesting stuff. I already knew about the amazing potential of resets and why Yoshimitsu would end up being a lot better than people think right now.
But the alpha counter into tag cancel and using manual launcher instead of cross-rush is just pure genius. I never even thought about those things but I’m exited to start exploring that stuff.
That’s definitely one of my biggest weaknesses right now. With Juri I do way to much shorts for hit confirms and I end up getting barely 200 damage off a cross-rush but I’m sure I could get at least 250-275 or something with manual launcher.
I don’t know where I heard it, but I learned a long time ago to use as few light attacks as possible in combos. I’ve been working on stripping lights out of my combos for a while now (like doing :dp: :mp:, cr. :mk:, :dp: :mp: instead of :dp: :mp:, :lk:, :mk:, :dp: :mp:) – the Damage scaling system hits Yoshimitsu pretty hard and I think something people don’t realize is that they are ruining him a little by overusing “safe” moves instead of hunting for proper punish opportunities.
That is true but you need to be ready to open up an opponent with every tool at your disposal. Typically a low damage scaling combo is jump in, heavy attack, and special.
To be honest, I don’t know how yoshi opens people up except with windmill zoning and resets off of crossup mk and lk and
You don’t really open people up, you just kind of wait for them to make themselves vulnerable – which is kind of his problem. I’m sure Vulcan can point you to some nice strategies, but honestly, I think Yoshimitsu’s weakness is that he relies too much on gimmicky punish methods and mind games. He doesn’t really have an straightforward gameplay outside of baiting.
I personally don’t believe that Yoshimitus should really be play in a offensive style, with way how his footsies, and windmill works. It really seems you just need to be zoning people out, building meter, use windmill to frustrate people to coming to you.
I don’t think being a defensive character is a bad thing because a lot of characters like Guile, Dhalism, Chun Li, etc play a similar style of not having great offensive over having great pokes/defensives/anti-air/etc.
Renic apparently is teaming up yoshimitsu with hugo. Shows some gameplay in his latest vid.
He talks about how he thinks it’s going to be important eventually to have one character with moves that set up good switch cancels to tag in characters that give big damage. Basically windmill> switch cancel> Hugo bnb was what he was showing.
I agree with him, and depending on your team you’ll want to figure out who works best first. Whether you want to start the match zoning with yoshi and tag into your more damaging character from a switch cancel or get damage first and then zone/punish with a runaway yoshi when you have the life lead.
I play Heihachi/Yoshi, and though I like yoshi more I think he works better as second because I can open people up a bit easier with Hei and he doesn’t really need meter to do big damage. I posted some stuff in the tech thread about my team and some combo ideas for options to end combos with either character while doing ~400-470+ damage with one meter for the switch cancel.