"The Tower of the Elder Gods" - The Challenge Tower Q&A + Tips/walkthrough thread

Yeah man no problem

**Challenge Tower definitely pissed me off numerous times, but I finished all 300 within 2 days. I found that I had to get pretty cheesy at times and just bait the AI a lot so I could counter. Also, playing only a few challenges at a time, as mentioned before, is much more beneficial. I was getting too stressed out and often took a break to do something else for a while(which wasn’t very easy considering I was sick during the 2 days I spent doing all the challenges). As for 300, I used Smoke. I just stood on the far left and kept away while countering everything with the teleport and jumping away again to wait for the next opportunity to strike. Hell, just by doing that alone, I was able to perfect Goro, Kintaro, and Shao Kahn. However, Mileena snuck in like 3 hits on me -_- I’ll try to perfect it completely sometime, but for now, I’m just happy I got through it all with my sanity intact. Most of it…

On another note, I’m beginning to think you really can just skip to your reward, if you want. Afterall, 300 can be skipped for a good sum of Koins. Considering skipping even 1 challenge would probably disqualify you from earning your Challenge Tower Achievement/Trophy, I don’t really see why they’d allow a skip of 300 unless it secured another reward instead(the 3rd alternate).**

You absolutely see that behavior in some parts of the game. Shao Kahn in ladder and story mode reverts to taunting every other attack after a bunch of losses.

As for the challenge towers, I don’t think I’ve seen it get easier with retries post 200. I was stuck on the Barake, Sindel, Shao Kahn level for a while. Probably retried it at least 25 times. It did not get any easier.

Any tips for the triple goro at 275?

Yes for the Goro challege spam the gun over and over and over again. Just jump there projectiles they will get rocked. Also if they get close do a jumping punch into uppercut to reset the situation :: Note they may absorb both hits but i’ve still found this strategy to be very effective ::

Gun? You use Ermac for that challenge. Anyway, Crossover jumps work well, and combo into the 2,2 TKS jump kickxxteleport jumpkickxxteleport combo (don’t end with force push). Cross him up when he stands, and if he does a move on wake up, use teleport to catch him while he is in recovery frames. Makes the challenge a bit easier.

NRS said they want to see someone gets a perfect on this mission and uploads it to youtube.
Now is your chance for 15 minutes of fame!

FUCK! I can’t do mission 300. I’m so bad against the bosses. UGH. I need help.

Lose a bunch of times and the difficulty will get ninja’d to easy. From that point they’ll just stand there letting you kick their asses.

I finished the tower in a day and only skipped 4. Did them the day after when I had time and got the trophy.

Perfecting the 300th challenge is gonna be really damn hard. You can perfect Kintaro and Goro, but Mileena WILL FOR SURE get a hit in. Blocked or not.

just jump over them & do combos, it’s piss easy…cept Mileena who is random as hell, i advise to just block n wait for her to do a ball or a teleport
i used Scorpion so it was easy to stop her sai spam too

All except Mileena who is still annoying as shit. Anyway, beat it finally (I swear I felt like I was going to pull my hair out until I saw that eventually they go easy on you and start giving you health after each person beaten).

On top of the fights getting easier after losing a bunch of times (IMPORTANT! Wait until the match ends and hit retry when it comes up, instead of just pausing and choosing the retry from that menu, I learned that the hard way), you also get some health back after beating each enemy.

So it’s probably possible to kill shao khan with full life, if you just lose a little health fighting Mileena and gets the hp back afterward.

As for that mission, I used Liu Kang and just repeated 2,1,3,2,1,3… (start with a jump-in punch) once you get the juggle timing down, you can get 3-4 reps of that and end with an uppercut for a nice chunk of damage from a brainless combo.

All of this is true, and I think that was the combo I used to beat the challenge (I forgot already, lol). Anyways, sorry it’s taking me so long to do this. Been studying for finals this week. Once that’s over with though I’ll be sure to finish this ASAP (though I kind of doubt anyone needs help with it by now).