Holy shit, Tampa has a scene? Where must I go to play?

these marvel 3 vids are pumping out like crazy, can’t wait to play

spiderman sure is looking top tier now

I agree.

1st place prize: Fifth Third Swag Bag, Monster Merch, Jimmy Johns & Best Buy Gift cards, 2 tickets to the Bucs game this Sunday.

Hope to see some of you guys there tomorrow.

up my ass

Still putting final touches on everything, see you guys tomorrow!

There’s a few places and random casuals here or there.

Where are you coming from? What do you play? Do you shower regularly?


Delly, let’s get this Ranbat shit back going! Let’s make the first one a week from Tuesday, and have it as a UMvC3 Ranbat, RR style. Then, every two weeks, we switch from Marvel to AE and back. This is going to sound like it’s coming from a selfish standpoint, since I know that I’m in the lead for the current one, but let’s end this last one, cash out, and start again. Start fresh. I know there’s at least one person that doesn’t find much interest in it simply because they can’t win, although for the most part, the Ranbat/RR is not about the money, which is basically why it’s so cheap to play anyway.

Now, to get some sleep. Took the weekend off to go to Miami, then woke up on my regular work schedule. Balls!

So has anyone found a spot that’s breaking the release date for YouMVC3? I know O-Town has some copies early, we should have some as well.

drive to O-town and get yours

O town can drive to me

sup guys… not dead.

SFC viewing party today and tomorrow at Serenity if anyone is interested.

Anyone going to Serenity? Hell I’ll probably go anyway not doing shit anyway lol

Heading out to Serenity now, bringing a set up.

I’m in south tampa, by Bitton. I play mvc3, ssf4, tvc, and some older stuff. Yes, daily.

I’m making my official return to capcom games tomorrow. I’ll be at serenity games tomorrow what time should I be there?

umvc3 is out. start googling online warriors. only released on the crackbox for now :wink:


Issac go around 6ish? maybe 5 thats when everyone is there all together. Of course you can come earlier if you like because some of us are just there or have to leave earlier

someone (prob charlie) bring dat marble

(obligatory sosa comment)