SRK name: Robg va 703
Xbox GT:robgva703
Location:Northern Virginia
i’m on right now so hit me up.
SRK name: Robg va 703
Xbox GT:robgva703
Location:Northern Virginia
i’m on right now so hit me up.
GT: TannerSRK
Location: Chattanooga, TN
Character: Bruce Irvin
Headset/mic: Yes
GGs last night. I hate Bob now lol. Decent connection though which is surprising with this game.
Location: Chicago, IL
Main: Raven
GT: BBM2012
Location: Wash,Dc
Headset/mic: Yes
SHINKUU add Lars on me please : ] , I decided to go back to playing him from arcade.
SRK Name: Kaoshin
PSN/360 Gamertag: Kaoshin DyN
Location-Coast: Abilene, Tx - Southwest
Characters: King, Asuka, Jin
Special notes if necessary: if i chose Zafina, go easy on me, i’m trying to learn her crazy stances and combos
Gamer Handle: Cimices
Location: San Diego, Imperial Valley Southern California
System: Playstation 3
Characters: Feng, Kazuya, Baek.
PSN: troobloo
Location: So Cal LA
Kaz, Jin, DJin, Asuka
PSN: DJSakamura
Characters: Raven, Combot… I mean MokuJin
Bob’s a jerk, especially yours. :arazz:
SRK name: Kros
Xbox GT:PK Kros
Location:Alexandria, Virginia
Main:Lili Second:Miguel
SRK: scf definit
PSN: scfdefinit
Location: San Diego
Characters: Anna, Heihachi. Trying to learn Lars.
Add me, leave some info. Just send a message/invite whenever you see me on, I’ll try to get at you. I usually play weekends.
Since the patch makes this playable… here’s my shit!
PSN- Island Spice
XBL- Island Spiice
Location- Seattle, WA
Characters- Kazuya… I’ll find alts later.
Just say srk or something in an invite.
XBL - NinjaCW
Location - Delaware
Character(s) - Steve/Jack6
Specify that you’re from SRK within the message please
Xbox 360 GT: Holla San
Main Characters: Marduk. Paul
Location: S. Korea
Hit me up if you want some friendly games and are abroad in east asia. Don’t know how the connection to west coast, usa is. Possibly playable? :wonder:
^Nah, Doesnt really seem like it much. Lots of delay.
Only Dsquared (xbox 360)
Oklahoma - Southwest
Leo, but changes constantly.
I make a good punching bag.
Fucking Lars.
SRK: Jarekov
PSN: Jarekov
Location: Chicago
Characters: Paul, Allisa
Headset: no
Im still learning how to rock a normal pad so when you stomp my shit give me some leeway.
LARS (damn im gay for playing him)
Location: Florida
Looking for serious players only. preferably east coast.
Can you please change my list SHINKUU? Please drop Asuka and move Marduk up with Miguel third.
And seconded on this. Everyone in my state seems to be picking him up these days.