The T6:BR Online Matchmaking Thread

Updated first two posts with the TZ BRO threads.

o S A V I O R o
(i have a 360 n ps3 but might be selling ps3)
GT: o Our Savior o
Chicago IL
characters: Lili, asuka, nina, Lei

SRK Name: SSRagna
PSN Gamertag: ShinXetsu
Location-Coast: East Coast (CT)
Characters: Jin, Lars

PSN ID: NeoXianWu
Location: East Coast (Virginia)
Characters: Paul, Armor King, Miguel

srk name boomee
PSN- doberman1978
Location northern VA/DC (eastcoast)
Characters-Lei King,bruce, nina heiachi maybe more

SRK Name: GomuGomu
PSN: xXGomuGomuXx
Location: East London
Characters: Jin, Lars & Miguel. Plus a bunch of secondary characters.


JUst lemme know where you got the SN and ill add you right away!


Characters : every1


Future Alisa main. I also play the William sisters and alot of other characters. I am subbing Zafina though.

People say That I am way better than my record in T5:DR. Not saying I am a true expert but I know some decent tricks of the trade.

PSN: ministry77
Location: Hollywood, FL
Characters: Jin, Lars and Leo

SRK Name: Zenken6
XBL: NGE KrazyTiger
Location: The ATL
Chars: King, Bob, Hei

West coast

Throw me in this bitch as well.

PSN: DonGiovanni_
Live: GiovanniSama (plan on picking it up for both by the end of Nov. PS3 first though)
Location: MidWest
Character: Alisa Bosconovitch

PSN: SaikyoStyle
Location: West Coast (Northern California)
Characters: Raven, Julia, Paul

My roommate will also be online a lot using my account, and he uses Jack-6, Bruce, and Bryan

^I’ll be playing you :stuck_out_tongue:

And I’ll be looking forward to it :tup:

SRK - arcelonious
PSN - arcelonious
Location - Southern California
Characters - Julia and Kazuya

Can someone sticky this thread? That would really help.

decent gamer.

PSN: NightOfTheSun
Mainly messing with Ganryu, and occasionally other heavy chars like Jack and Panda.

PSN: Island Spice
Seattle, WA (PNW)
Char: Bruce

Please only add me if you are in the pacific north west!

]SRK Name: 060
PSN: Legal_Thief
Location-Coast: East coast, northern va/DC
Characters: King, Jin, considering lars
Special notes if necessary: Add me for games, not to increase your psn friend count. Also only add me if you are decently close. kthx.