The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Also i’m ok with the gorilla

While at it is a cyborg-gorilla wich can give them the chance to something pretty unique rather than just blanka-gief hybrid char

The gorilla is the most boring character design to me…
Its been done to death and its rarely interesting, i dont like the design of the other guy in Ed’s gang either( from the one image so far), but the gorilla is by far the one i was most dissapointed in.


I can remember like one from a fight game (BR series), and there imho it worked

You can say 2 if we add the DC game, but there blame comics

“Done to death” sound like a stretch to prove something lol


Other NeoShadow guy is the most interesting looking IMO. Im thinking if he ever becomes available he might place like a mix between the mummy guy from Captain Commando and the dude that fights with a deck of cards in KOF.

I don’t really feeling that S4 lineup at all, and believe it will turn out to be fake. Whats the point of Dan when we already have a joke character in SF5. Hes names Necalli

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I’m just excited with what’s in store with the new features, modes, costumes and stages.

I dont have high hopes.

I don’t hope for Sodom anymore… He and Maki are the characters that I want to see return. And I really did play Sodom in Alpha.

The rest I am interested are characters that are mechanical based in feature

As for new characters that would from Delta Red yet that’s impossible by the moment. I like to see a Ginyu type character from DBFZ and they would be the fitting.

A Tag based character that swap per round like in RS, that fits Yun and Yang.

And a 2-in-1 character like Choi and Chang in CVS 2.

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It’s like it didn’t have any SF4 reference at all in character creation and design but were getting something else.

And there is a surprise they are including The Making of SFV STORY also


Was thinking more of the design of an intelligent Gorilla in general, not just fighting games.
Not a huge fan of animals who act like humans, in a setting with humans in general.

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I know it would cause a disturbance in the continuum but I really would’ve enjoyed it more if we got Mountain Beard Ryu as the SF5 Ryu like in that artwork, at least for General Story Mode.

It would’ve been more meaningful IMO if Ryu developed that chest scar sometime in SF5 also. Either from Necalli’s battle in ASF, or from Bison - Both characters have a super attack that involves them punching (or in Bison’s case impaling) their opponents in the chest.

It would’ve made the stakes felt more real, and in the end would’ve been a nice contrast to Sagat. Both Ryu and Sagat needed a scar to become whole, Sagat at the start of his journey with his inner demon and Ryu at the end of it.

But alas, Ryu’s plot armor is too thick for battle scars even. :frowning:


Regarding the Gorilla, we already have a Gorilla-like fighter in Blanka, and Necalli is beastial and savage as well.

Unless this is a Psycho Power Gorilla who speaks with a British accent, we really don’t need that shit anymore than we need Sagat’s pet tiger to become a fighter in SF5.


Agree Bearded Ryu alt should have appeared in the cinematic mode on final confrontation with Necali, yet returned to a more generic Ryu after that match then before going to Bison for the final match or after the Bison match when in the waterfall ending with Ken. So it’s still fitting and exact.

Perfect with the Bison Battle Damage alt like everyone thinks that should have appeared in the final battle with Ryu also.

I don’t mind a remastered and re told cinematic mode using the previous which is longer and have different encounters with slight different events than the previous. Something how PC expansion games like Diablo-2 becomes Diablo-2 LOD.


So while there hasn’t been that many reports yet, one of the core staff who worked on the book has posted his thoughts and he says that basically the book is make of 3 parts- 1/How the SFV devs worked hard to continue on the lore made by SFII, 2/How SFII became such a legend in the first plane, and 3/An analysis of “how to create characters” from interviews with the SFV team, Ikeno, and Akiman. This last part in particular sounds very interesting indeed!

Just some information I found on the book. Definitely appears to be SF focused.


Dont be so sure. Nakahira gave him one and the slowly canonise all his work

For all the X-Kira fanboys here.


Except I dont think he will play anything like Blanka. I see him closer to being Hulk from mvc2. Imagine all of hulks moves but not super exaggerated.


Honestly, I’d rather see Remy and I don’t like Remy. Gorilla is only better than shit like Evil Ryu and Oni.

If you’re gonna give me Neo-Shadaloo, give me Knife.


Hey, who unpinned the story thread? :angry:

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Someone jealous of the attention it receives clearly!



Probably someone tired of all the X-Kira shit

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Someone should hack him and expose his identity once and for all.

Wouldn’t be surprised in the least if X-Kira is merely the alias of Matt Dahlgren.

Nakahira was given creative liberties with his work which is why it’s so good. Capcom in and of itself will never take a creative liberty with SF story.