The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

I know you are an intelligent individual.
But it baffles me how you conflate Cosplaying with thotery.
That is as absurd as say that because some idiots say some dumb shit on twitter, like that bushin guy, everyone on the fgc is racist, sexist, homobhobic and all the other playbook insults that twatter has.

You are dissing a whole communtity of people who put a lot of effort in a hobby, where they make their costumes for chars they like just because some individuals want to whore themselves to make some easy cash.

Is moronic.

Is specially puzzling since you majored on Sociology iirc.
You know very well that generalizations are a cancer in any form of academia and investigative fields, and yet here you are making a dumb generalization like that, all while you then complain when is made about the community you are part of, smfh

Your problems with cosplay have shit to do with cosplay but with thotery.
And frankly, that is by itself absurd.
Thots saw an opportunity to make easy money from individuals that are willing to pay for pics/vids of attractive people dressed as their favorite characters.
Is capitalism at its finest.

As i see it, your hatred is irrational, and actually makes you behave as bad as the people you complain about.


Guile’s ST voice makes me happy. It’s the most “Clark from sales” voice I have ever heard


Nice whiff punish Pertho

Because cosplayers fucked up the rules of sex a while back.

Let’s take it back to 2010 or before that. There was an issue with cons with guys who would take pics of cosplayers without them asking. A lot of these were taken of cosplayers who were exposing a lot of skin. the first issue is people being rude about taking pictures. That’s understandable and fair point. According to a friend of mine who has gone to a lot of cons, this is a minority of poeple taking pics without asking.

The problem was then adding to it that people were suddenly supposed to change how they felt when looking at tits and ass. Magically people were supposed to pretend that these cosplayers didn’t have shit hanging out.

If you’re gonna show a lot of skin, people are gonna look. But people want to engage in an activity meant to attract attention but impose rules on it. Yeah fuck off.


That moment when you accidentally start twitter discourse


Lol, the damage in ST is so ridiculous. I love it.

extremely stinky take

a cosplayer doesnt have the right to tell people not to take pictures of them just because their chosen cosplay is “revealing”? the rules of sex got fucked up?

what are you saying man, abort abort


Uh oh. Cosplay got pertho so mad that he quit playing. Y’all are murdering games now

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Should’ve played me instead. :rofl:

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I fucked it up because I’m playing Tubb and Plusframes.

First they complained about people taking pictures of them without asking. That’s completely fine.

But afterwards they turned half of the fanservice cosplays into “well this isn’t a fanservice cosplay with my tits hanging out, I’m doing art”.

That’s the problem. Taking pics is one thing and understandable. But they also want control over people looking at them when they’re putting out sexual material themselves. That’s untenable.


If anyone started taking pics of you without asking permission you will get mad too.

The way you put it makes it look like they are to blame for how the social discussion happens now, which is absurd.

Most cosplayers dont have a problem with pics being taken as long as people ask them 1st.

Yes, perhaps some idiots made a fuss on a dumb way, but that doesnt mean it was the posture of the whole community.

Again, you are making a generalization over a whole lot of people based on what few people made.

And those postures happen in plenty of places besides the cosplay community.
It is the same conversation that happens on gyms, beaches, sport events, hell, even since miniskirts became a thing back in the 60s-70’s

That conversation is nothing new, and is not something that the cosplay community kicked.
What kind of nonesense is that, lmao.


Man, i think i know who are you referring to with the whole thing about is art you are posting.
Are you really generalazing the whole community on that stupid thot Zombie Unicorn that was behind that Bullyhunters thing.
Holy fuck, speak about stinky takes.


@KingTubb I think you found your Captain of Bullshit lol

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Uh oh, we got Shin Pertho

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It matters because it all ties together. This isn’t a fight over what’s appropriate or not. I don’t like fanservice or the things that go with it, so its w/e to me. But people weren’t complaining about sex being all up in the hobby. They were complaining about control over sex in the hobby.

Mai having her tits hanging out is only sexy with permission from the right group of people.

Its okay that shiki is sexy, that Charlotte has the thigh highs and all that, but what was wrong was acknowledging the reaction they create. Which is fucking stupid because that same shit is all over the place in gaming; hence in cosplayers AND in twitch bullshit ass channels.


I’m so glad y’all made the lounge before I did. :rofl:

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I found out Honda is a one button character. Right up my alley :+1:t2:

Super shallow tho

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Are you on??

Yeah, but I’m on PC, so…

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We might be able to figure something out. Also, I just pick claw on accident, and he seems to be the real captain of bullshit @PlusFrames


Hol up, ST Claw?

Oh man, talk about a happy accident. :rofl:

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