The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode


Thinking over the games tonight, I think I go full “fuck it” after like 10-15 games. Which is bad. But my “fuck it” Hugo is an insult to all that is Holy and I revel in that

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Kotaku is the LTG of game sites. Don’t link that shit man.


Also, that headline by itself is as disgusting as Genei Jin.


I thought this was gonna be wack, but he fully exposed me. I’m a Timmy 100%


Gonna check this out in a bit!

Please do, I think you’ll agree that I’m a timmy

Lol it’s jimmy, not Timmy. I need to go to bed

Or is it Timmy? 3s is melting my brain

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Yeah but the article was written by a former SRK front page author.

You guys watching this shit? Fucking wild.


Sajam repurposes old ass MTG article for content.

Here, I’ll give you guys a quick rundown:

Timmies like big flashy things. More than anything, they want to “experience” things in games. They don’t necessarily care about winning or losing, they just care about cool gamey things happening.

Johnnies like techy stuff. In M:TG it was coming up with cool combos that show off a Johnny’s ability to come up with new stuff. in FG these guys are going to be lab monsters and combo video makers. They’ll play characters that require weird goofy execution so they can do cool things with them. Sako would be a big Johnny because he likes exploring unorthodox characters.

Spikes are tournament players. They like efficient strategies that are dependable. They want to know how to get the most advantage out of all situations possible. They want the max damage combos and how to make things meter efficient etc.

So there you go, saved you guys like 10 minutes of your life.

Edit: I didn’t watch it, but I played M:TG for almost 25 years. Not much of M:TG applies to fighting games. This part doesn’t really apply to the gameplay because that’s a different beast. Jimmy, Johnny and Spike were about who they were making cards for, not how they eventually played games.

So outside of some silly enjoyment, nothing about that shit is really going to teach you how to get better at fighting games.

Edit 2: If you guys want it in SF5 terms:

Jimmy probably likes Abigail because he is big, stupid and flashy. Jimmy also thinks Kage is cool.

Johnny likes Zeku, Ibuki and Menat because they can spend a lot of time in training mode figuring stuff out. Then they get to go show off cool stuff they found.

Spike likes Cammy, Karin, and…season 1 Ryu.

This eventually matters fuck all because you guys have mechanical needs and mofos will drop characters like a sack of potato based on other things. Urien is the world’s biggest tryhard that should be a solely “Johnny” character but he is firmly in “Spike” Territory because of how strong his tools are. So trying to place FG players in the same way that M:TG designs cards is dumbshit.

There’s also Melvin. Melvin’s are literally the story thread people and all their story nonsense. Here, read an article that won’t help you get better at fighting games:


It won’t make me better, but it helped me realize what I really enjoy. And I’m doing this to have fun.

Looks like we got a spike over here :eyes:


I take LTG over Kotaku any day tbh.


I had to teach myself how to get good at M:TG the hard way. I had to play dudes who had the means and played a lot. they were all better than me, I got stomped on a weekly basis and I had to figure out wtf to do by building weird decks and get at the metagame sideways.

The last tournament deck I built was a combination of all three types. It was ridiculous Jimmy nonsense powered by Johnny ingenuity and built for absolute Spike fuckery. Needless to say it was my favorite deck of all time and I almost have it all foiled out. After I do that, I’ll frame it and enjoy my M:TG retirement because Wizards of the Coast is a hilariously shitty company.


Plenty of “authors” were uter garbage, like that mothefurcker IanToTheMax.
Many had a documented disdain for the FGC and were into the writting gig for the money while searching a job on places more of their liking like Kotaku fr example.

This resonates with me. I’ve got a lot better lately cause I’m stuck at home without anything more important to do. I’m hoping to go back to work in a couple weeks, and when I do I’ll lose a ton of progress.

If its on Kotaku or Polygon, I want zero to do with it.


Ian wrote a few good interviews. Unfortunately he wouldn’t edit his shit so they were all super long and terrible to try and read in one sitting.

Well the thing is that I wanted to win. I wanted to win, I wanted to beat people and I wanted to get better. That meant having to trade for stuff, grind etc. There’s a certain amount of hunger you need to have to get good at anything.

oh and my deck played this magnificent bastard. This guy was had so many good cards to his name that they killed his dog, cursed him, stock a rock in his head all so they could replace him with a tits mcgee for the sake of trying to sell stuff to women:

Garruk the motherfucking GAWD.


I should start lifting in his name.

@KingTubb Look at this guy. That dude is a spellcasting motherfucking bad ass that would go around hunting with his big axe and dressed like a god damned wrestler. And you know what they did? They got rid of him and turned him evil because reasons.

This was the only character I legitimately liked in M:TG and they just ruined him for the sake of it. Fucking garbage.


Oh and this is how he motherfucking rolled into mtg:

He came in wild AF and ready to murder people on turn 5. Dude was no nonsense pop you in the mouth mofo.

Goddamn was it good times playing that guy.

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Way too many GJ Yun shit for my tastes.

Just realized that GJ can stand for Glow Job and Yun glows when Genei Jin is active, so now I gotta call Genei Jin Glow Job. :rofl:

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I don’t care about winning, I only care about everyone involved having fun. Typically a competitive match makes it fun.

If some 10-0’s me but they were all close, competitive matches, that’s a win in my book. We had fun.