The SSJ5 General Thread: E3 happening but Ono doesn't Spirit Bomb

It’s in his handbag already, this goes without saying…

Which is a terrible waste of an opportunity. Darkseid is second only to Joker when it comes to DC villains.

are you a completist?
or do you really like the redbull outfits?

He’s been a lot of things over the years(robots, starships, etc) but his appearance finally normalized a few years back by retconning all previous Brainiacs were only a expeditionary force and the “True” Brainiac is da big green guy.

Convergence… well uh… DC Rebirth is fantastic so I guess we can forgive convergence for being what it was.

Hot Ryu with man bag would be interesting.

Something like this so it’s more manly. More like a satchel

How about a good costume for Rashid? And Guile? Enough with the Ryu and Chun skins!!!

Wait a minute, just thinking about it, they still haven’t announced the new trials, right ? I’m starting to think the new content they are talking about might be that and not the new character.

Call me in then.

Wait for Injustice 3 I guess. I am much happier that the spotlight is focusing on people like Grodd(even outside of the ape stuff) because lesser known villains need a time to shine too!!!

Having Grodd and the B-tier crew(cold, cheetah, scarecrow and so forth) get time to shine in the plot is great. Then you can finish off with your proper big bad in Brainiac.

why did you not opened a thread for the game…as it seems no real one exist so far?!

Rashid and Guile are too high tier for new costumes

Someone brought up an interesting point. Alex and Ibuki’s nostalgia costumes were teased at the same time as the Thailand stage – odd that we haven’t heard anymore about that. Maybe next month with new character?

Also, am I the only one tired of getting only a few character costumes at a time and no one else? Odd that with SF4, they released costumes for everyone at the same time. Not counting Story Mode that gave everyone an alternate, we have Ryu with 4 alternates, Chun and Cammy with 3, and everyone else with one (Battle Outfits), maybe 2.

I understand it takes time to get these things up and running…I get that. But the constant radio silence we get for 3-4 weeks at a time, and then (what I consider) half updates just seems…blah. I just think they should do more like 2 new stages at a time and other new options/content updates. Is it really unreasonable that with every new character they release, every other month, that we get maybe a new stage, some new colors, new costumes or something as well? Just my thoughts… :confounded:

Nah I don’t have too many costumes. Just a big Bboy fan. Even if the costumes are rather exaggerated and not very Bboyish any way

bah not enough support on srk to actually support a thread

ill bitch and moan about injustice here occasionally with my good friends!!! :slight_smile:

whens 2.5 patch alreadyyyyyyy, can’t play injustice, don’t wanna play sf5 in its current form

All I can do is sit and think and thinkings for idiots

Why do I still delude myself into thinking one of these days those fuckers are gonna remember nostalgia alex and ibuki costumes

piece of my soul leaves my body everytime

I keep telling you guys, they are saving all their love for SFV: 30th Anniversary Edition.

Arcade Mode
New Trials
Improved >insert whatever you want improved here<
More Nostalgia than ever before

And yes that means, SAGAT!


They scrapped those costumes to make the new ryu and chun ones.

Only so many polygons to go around had to conserve and re-use.

Only Ryu costume looks good.
Chun up to 7 outfits now God Damn.