The Sony PlayStation®4 Thread: IT HAS BEGUN

Twitchpocalypse officially begins now! ‪#‎PS4‬ ‪#‎GreatnessAwaits‬ ‪#‎CasualGamers‬ ‪#‎Twitchtv‬

Fuckin’ Kojima. I love MGS and all but I’m not falling for anymore of his bullshit hype tricks.

He should be shot for that shitty Banderas.

but if you stop falling then he’ll do something crazy and blow your pants off

I was under the impression Ono was going to be at the event? :s

Fuckin’ Kojima. I love MGS and all but I’m not falling for anymore of his bullshit hype tricks.

Odds are you’re right.

Got two new copies of Twin Snakes I still need to flip. So at least after that not-MGS1 remake cocktease my disappointment quickly subsided into relief.

Glad I only wasted 2 cans of Natty Ice on this shitheap of a lunch event.

You’ve been trolled… Again.

Still better than Shu’s!

Just diid a cliffnotes, speed run through the tream , and yeah that was pretty weak, other than the mgs1 snake.

My only question is, why is it called “deja vu” mission if…MGSV is before MGS1?

Going to bed. Hopefully I can pick up Greatness later today.

Déjà vu for the player, not the character, I assume.

Yeah, but I guess that’s just a personal context issue I have

so which one of yall are secretly waiting in line posting on here from your phone?

"CEO Kaz Hirai ‏@KazHiraiCEO 13m

Breaking News: PlayStation 4 is currently outselling XBOX ONE in North America!"

Looks like launch edition PS4’s are suddenly back in stock at Amazon.

So is it MGS Snake with the Fox Engine or PS1 MGS Snake?

Keep you waiting huh?

Also not sure 'bout that March 21st date for Second Son, Sony.

If you can find a word in edgewise through the Titanfall media blitz to remind people your game’s coming out, you might be able to pick up some of the leftover PS4 owners that gave up on Dark Souls II early.

Best start serving Sucker Punch crunch team dinners, lest pray for some delay announcements from the competition.