The Skullgirls General FAQ

producing ducks? what on earth.

if it comes through next wnf and i’m not distracted i’ll lurk some games and try to keep a list.

but honestly most of us don’t get past 10 or 12 much unless it’s like peacock lv1s or parasoul lv3s

That’s what I said! :xeye:

That will be awesome if you can. I know the first thing I’m doing when SG is released is finding the easiest infinite loop and sitting in training mode listing all the adjectives :rofl:

There’s plenty of time to be productive later!

was sorta sidetracked + the numbers we’re missing are kinda hard to get to at this point so all I managed to jot down was:

Visionary - 20

then we got a parasoul lv3 happy birthday in training mode and I’m almost positive it said “Porsche,” 81 hits =| …I uhh… I may have read it wrong iunno.

Looks like this thread is coming along nicely. Good work Chibers :3.

-Tha Hindu

Why have I not stickied this yet…?

-Tha Hindu

It’s this year already.

About air-dashing. Some Characters can can AD cancel out of a normal like Valentine and I believe Painwheel…

peace out cUDDY:cool:

I think anyone with an airdash can cancel out of normals (all/some?), I know Valentine and Peacock can, and I’m fairly sure Filia can. Ms. Fortune I have no idea, though.

Painwheel doesn’t have an airdash, but she can fly cancel all of her normals and throws (ground and air).


I don’t suppose this game has a strictly 1v1 mode, does it?

There were talks about letting people to restrict this stuff in options but IIRC they didn’t implement it. Although you can create lobby with “1v1 only” title or whatnot.

Chibi, if you’re working on faq right now, you can take links to movelists from my sig. i’m pretty sure someone will ask about them after release. Don’t want that shit happen second time >_>

Chibi you should also add in the FAQ that in order to tech grounded regular throws the opponent must stand up. Holding down, down/back, down/forward and mashing on throw will not give them a throw input (only a c.LP).

There might be a flood of questions about stuff so here’s some resources I think may be of use

Dumbest question I’ve probably asked but why does it keep giving me random colors when I pick my character? I only use Filia so thats why I noticed. Is there a way to change it ahead of time because i haven’t found anything yet.

Maybe you’re using button shortcuts?

Just using the A button at character select :confused:

That’s strange. I’ll recommend to go and ask Mike in GD while he’s still there.

how is the dashing? is it 3p dash or stick dash
is there wavedashing
is there airdash cancels

2p dash and stick dash both work.
there is wave dashing, some wave dashes is better than others.
Not sure what you mean by airdash cancels.