The sick AXE into XNDL super confirm. How do you do it?

Works fine for me for whatever reason. I just buffer double :qcf: anyway though. It’s not that hard really; you just cancel the c. LK really early, and start buffering the super right away.
What’s harder is doing straight AXE > SA1 without the c. LK to buy you time, but the :qcb::db::d::df::r: trick works fine for that.
Do it like a KOF DM motion, don’t break it up – one smooth flow.

i can not believe it

Is this what you guys are talking about?


I’m not a Twelve (Tweleve) player, but when using Remy you can charge an LOV then tap forward then go back to holding back, and you can press any punch/kick while going back, so the LOV comes out while you’re already charging for the next one.

Anyways, this works pretty much the same way for almost any character. In this situation, you can do QCB, then start the HCF motion and press P while starting the HCF motion, basically your stick should be at the 7-8 o’clock position (if you’re on the left side) when you press P. The AXE will come out while you’re already through the HCF motion, giving you plent of time to QCF again and then P for the XNDL. It might take some practice, but partitioning with Remy made these motions really simple. Hope this helps somewhat.

You do realize in his first post there is only 1 qcf motion in there right?

“c.LK, qcb+LP, hcf+P”

Yeah, unless your a crackhead, I’m pretty sure thats only 1. He has to be buffering another qcf somewhere in there. SA2 needs 2 qcf’s… hcf does not equal “2” qcf needed for the input. -_-

As soon as the first hit of A.X.E lands you do a hado motion and punch, you don’t have to do down forward twice after a.x.e

I am going to say that this is completely false.