Command grabs nerf will give to all the Zangiefs worldwide a good reason to sit down on 1100HP doing nothing 'til momentum comes. This blessing gonna separate men from pussies, well done Capcom.
These fuckboys in ranked are a trip. They ready up quick as fuck when they lose, but when they manage to win they want to run the clock out or just run away.
I thought the game crashed on you you quit so fast
No worries. Though the amount of sweeps I get hit by is still disheartening. “He knows that’s really unsafe and I’d kill him here if he does it so despite how many he’s landed there’s no way he’ll - DAMN IT”
There’s another problem of mine. I either give my opponent too much respect or not enough.
Is anyone else playing btw
They’re whatever sides with their messed up beliefs.
How do you measure yourself compared to most of the people you fight? You seem to have a talent for getting to what makes a character good before you dip into all their set ups and what not. I’ve seen you take games off really high ranking players and talk about how they dip out or RQ in lounges.
Do you see yourself as a strong player or just an above average player?
I only ask because I assume your comment is aimed at players that have big egos and get mad when you beat them. And you always drop those “I just beat this fraud Ultra Diamond Urien” comments.
I do have 2 accounts but they’re both Pervy. PervyJin01 and PervyJinPC. The PC one I don’t really use cuz SFV doesn’t run well on my PC for whatever reason. My brother got a new laptop though so I’ll probably play it on his sometimes and practice Juri/Chun on there.