The SFV Lounge: SRK is ALIVE. AE Hype is BACK! DISCORD going the way of DISCO


who is she?

what kolin cambos dont work on abigail all the normal ones seem to work just fine

although most of her combos shouldn’t work on him to help that travesty of a matchup!!!

Usually hail, to st.HP doesn’t work since the hail hits very early

Abigail got away, right? Even got a little buff with Abby punch after a juggled f.hp.

jumpity jumpity jump
jump jump jump

jump jump

jump some more

get AA’d?

fuck it jump jump and keeep FUCKING JUMPING!!!

ok. I’m good now that i got that off my chest

fuck that perform 10 jumping attacks challenge

V-Trigger 1 damage rumored to be nerfed a little

Well then good, the matchup is a nightmare for Abigail anyway so to hell with Kolin!!!

That’s totally fine. The true strength of trigger lies in b+hphp juggles and the unblockables anyways. If he goes down to 10 or even 5% bonus damage from 15 that’s not the end of the world.


Anyone want to play?

Neither is Laura

Laura makes people feel bad though so she deserves all her nerfs and more.

Abigail brings joy to all the peoples around the world.

I do

but im in another freakin province and got no street fighter!!!

I find no joy in Abigail

I find joy in Laura

Therefore you are a liar and a slanderer!!!

Sounds about the same as me. My shitest character in the universe is only 300lp off Diamond, so I think I might just get that before he gets buffed, that way I know I did it when he was rock fucking bottom.

You should play more. Go and be great.

Abigal brings joy to children. Creates jobs, and helps out the little people. Laura is a selfish ho with no redeeming qualities. I think we know who the real hero is.

So I’ve been doing this more aggressive thing the last few weeks. More dashes and such. Few tips for people that feel like they run into buttons or whatever.

I found i have the most success when i don’t have an obvious rhythm. An example of obvious rhythm would be doing medium medium then immediately dashing. No one lets you do that. There’s always a button ready if you fight anyone decent.

Instead do stuff like medium medium walk back whiff a jab or something then dash. Throw that timing off and you’ll be less likely to be checked.

If you want to dash at neutral try to have a thought behind it. Randomly doing it will yield some success but theres the chance that the opponent is sitting there waiting for it or you could be dashing into something hit confirmable. Its a coin flip and pure coin flips aren’t a consistent way to win.

Instead try to set it up. Get them to block a few pokes or see how they respond to some whiffed mediums first. What causes this player to hesitate.

Anyway just my thoughts as im playing more.

you’re just mad because Laura has a nice booty instead of being completely booty like Juri :coffee:

Fuck you I am great! Plus I got 3 kids…

Honestly I just enjoy sets. I never liked the ranked mode in any game. I get enough to put me amongst the level of player I think I’m at then usually stop.

da alpha stream

@Volt Are you going to be able to play in a few minutes?