The Playstation Thread: PS5 VR coming/State of Play this Thursday 5pm EST

Gotham Knights interview…

I’m treating this in a way to how I would like to see Transformers world without Optimus Prime.

Also, aren’t they the studio that did Arkham Origins? I found that game to have some really great moments and is my personal second favorite in that set of games. That team knew how to make a boss battles work and delivered probably my favorite “I’m Batman”-esque moment.

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Hey dope, I’m not the only one who really liked Arkham Origins.


I really never understood why people disliked that game so much. It’s definitely better than Arkham Knight.

I personally think they are about equal, but I also like the Batmobile.

Ugh. Knight was so disappointing. I’m still punching the air at how they did Hush.

People shit on Origins for being too derivative of City. Considering the disappointment that Knight was more of the same doesn’t look bad now.

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I’m surprised they didn’t re release Arkham Origins on current gen even though they did Asylum and City.

The only way to play it is through that ps now service.

The game added a few new things and had some of the best boss battles in the series. I was really surprised with the amount of hate it got.

I’d love to get a remaster for current gen.

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I’m not. Only the Rocksteady games get love.

Yea people where on a tear about how Origins was a soulless cash in that did nothing new and brought nothing new to the series, it was like “Did you guys even play it?”

That was around the time I really stopped paying any attention at all to Jim Sterling. He was an absolute dick about what is actually a pretty good game that did bring new shit to the series, and they did boss fights better then Rocksteady ever did


Damn…now I wanna try Origins out.
I only have it for PC.

Is Origins on PS4 store or anything like that?

Only for PS3…

It’s on PS3, 360, and Steam.

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Funny you guys are having this conversation. I literally just finished replaying Arkham Asylum and City on Steam this past week. I was debating on buying Origins since I never gave it a chance when it originally dropped. My thing against it was basically that I have this pet peeve about prequels being released in the middle of a series. I perceived it as filler until Rocksteady came out with the next game.

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I mean that is what it was. That was the main point, but that doesn’t mean the Devs didn’t do a good job for the most part.

I remember at launch Origins had some issues on PC so maybe look into that before you buy.

Mock of the PS5 internals, this is a mock up render and not an actual internals.
Motherboard used in this render actually from a PS3 Slim for the Mock up.

No idea how accurate any of this is.


It’s pretty fucking good filler though. I still recommend playing it.

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