The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

^ Just tossed it in my cart, thanks.

Most of my purchases have been of a retro-type nature (Dungeon Hearts, Syder Arcade, Awesomenauts, Shank 2 etc), but I also picked up some legitimately older games in the form of the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive classiscs collection 4 (Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Shining Force 1/2, Streets of Rage 1/2, etc). Some of these games I’ve owned (ie. LandStalker), but some I’ve just played the shit out of via emulation (OK for very old games, in my mind), so I bought the collection on Steam for karmic purposes, and to support a somewhat official product, even if it was just a glorified emulator itself.

Gotta say, disappointed so far. Emulation seems good as far as I can tell, and I like the “TV” filter, but I’ve been having a lot of button mapping issues, and it doesn’t have the standard emu options for sound etc that something like KEGA would have. You would think the controller mapping thing would be a breeze, but this is apparently not the case- it only lets you set buttons and not directions, which means if you’re having an issue with the latter for some reason, you are boned. I have a generic USB pad coming in the mail soon, I’ll give it another shot when it arrives.

Really should have had more effort put into it, even with this issue aside. Most of the games are really, really good*- I wish I could recommend the collection without reservations.

*Light Crusader is pretty disappointing, unfortunately I owned that on cart one as well. But all together the games still average an A grade IMO.

Fuck all these sales If VF5 or GGAC came out for a full damn 60 bucks on pc id be in it right now

Ryu far Stand. MP in 3S/SFIV can stuff most divekick attempts when spaced correctly VS all divekick characters.

Lords of Shadow is one of the better Action Hack and Slash games this entire generation, with an actual good story and interesting characters. I’ll download the PC version eventually to play around with it @ 60FPS VS consoles abysmal 20ish FPS at all times.

I can’t wait to plays its sequel. Hopefully my pad is recognized by the game, I’ll stream it for all to see. :tup:

I missed the Lords flash sale because I was “thinking” about it then passed out before making a decision. Local bar’s changing out of all taps to 10%+ ABV imperial stouts for Black Friday is to blame.

TS if you ever wanna play awesomenauts hit me up if you see me on steam we can run some games.

RE: sale. Nothings really stood out to me as a game I want to play very much. I got Hammerwatch, Forced and some skins for Awesomenauts but as far as games go I just haven’t seen any that make me want to play them so far.

How is Awesomenauts? Is it popular? How tough is it to queue up for a match? I still got some dollars left for games.

OZ and I play like 5 times a week. Its never a problem getting into a game there is some problem with rage quitters. Its getting an expansion Q1 next year. It has a pretty solid chance on going for a legit sale still if you wanna wait a couple of days.

that’s good to know.
Damn shame I don’t play with Ryu…isn’t it?
not everyone does.

bought like 10 games on steam yesterday.
dem 75% off sales.
now I don’t have enough to buy my gal her x-mas gift.

as long as I’m happy, that’s what matters most.

So you guys weren’t lying about the netcode on SFIV on pc. Back to back green bars and imputs feel pretty spot on, I’m pretty impressed.

This is my first time experiencing steam sales and I gotta say, this shit seems kinda evil. I just keep buying games… I was a bit shocked when my brother in law said he had over 300 games in his library but now I’m not surprised.

22 hours left to snag Critter Crunch for $2. It’s really the best puzzle game since Puzzle Fighter and Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon/Puzzle League, so if you play those games at all you should give it a shot. Unlike other puzzlers of this style it’s got both versus and co-op modes, so if you have people in the house of differing skill levels you don’t have to keep doing super-lopsided versus matches - you can work together to clear the board.

I already owned it, but I snagged copies for my gf and a friend of mine who already play, so we don’t always have to be at my computer to play. At $2 you can afford a copy for different PC’s in every room of the house.

It’s kinda hard to ignore Steam sales but Christmas is coming that’s the real sale.

I think I spent about $40 on the Steam sale. I realized I don’t really play games anymore and a lot of them just bore me. Dishonored is looking all right. And I want to get mods going for System Shock 2 before I play it.

I dont really even pay attetion to the sales. The first year I had my computer I went crazy during sales but now I just glance at them. Most of the shit I want I have. I did use the money I got from selling those trading cards to get Half Life 2 and Dishonored. I have both games but figure I would get legit copies.

Put pcsx2 on my PC yesterday and turned all my PS2 games into ISOs. They all ran fine so im happy.

Deadpool is like $9.99 right now on Steam.

Scratch that.
it was, but isn’t anymore.
24 hour sale.
but Tomb Raider is 9.99!

I personally bought
Alice:madness returns
Sleeping Dogs
Blades of Time
Velvet Assassin
Assassins Creed
I Am Alive
Mirror’s Edge
Dark Void

I already owned jet set radio, tomb raider underworld, ninja blade and the PoP forgotten sands.

hha, as you can see I love my 3D platforming

I also wanted to buy Contrast, Marlowe Biggs, and Brothers but decided to wait till later.
See what I have left over afer X-mas gift buying and such.

I actually bought like a dollar’s worth of trading cards this week DAT BACKGROUND <–worth it

idk, as an adult, this cautionary idea that you’re “wasting tons of money” by making impulse buys during Steam sales is kind of a joke. Pretty much anything else you do recreationally will cost you WAY more in a shorter amount of time, due to one-time admission fees and materials you consume like food, alcohol, drugs, and other supplies/equipment.

The cover charge at a club is about the same price as a steam game on sale, and when your friend says “hey let’s go in here” you probably spend even less time thinking about it. After that, you might walk out as soon as you get in because the DJ sucks, there’s no girls, beer list sucks… even faster than it takes to get through a tutorial level and decide you don’t want to play a boring game.

If you actually stay in the club, depending on how drunk you get, your judgement is way worse and there’s in-person peer pressure to spend more. Any one of the following will cost about the same or more as your steam total, and multiple could be incurred at once whether you planned on it or not:

  • bar tab
  • cab ride home
  • parking ticket for leaving your car in the wrong zone over night
  • taking the girl you picked up to brunch in the morning

And that’s excluding more extreme shit you could get into like bags of coke, DUI, hospital/legal fees for getting into a fight, trying to do a backflip off the stairs, joyride through the golf course, etc etc. All of these are one-time fees for a few hours of fun you can’t go back to without spending money again.

The monthly fees at most gyms are about the same as you’d spend once or twice a year on a steam sale. The price for one session of some random activity like bowling or paintball via groupon discount is about the same as a steam sale, and then you have to spend more money on extra stuff when you’re there. A bag of paintballs is the price of several steam games! Filling up your gas tank to go anywhere for fun costs as much as a few steam games.

So given all this money spent on one-time shit, the fact that steam games are low-cost and infinitely reusable makes them a way more innocuous purchase than almost anything else you can get into. A box of condoms is more than a lot of steam games and all you do is jizz in them and throw them out!

5-10 years ago in order to find out you didn’t like a game, you had to rent it at Blockbuster, which was about the same as the sale price to own it permanently on Steam sale. Then if you decided you didn’t give the game a fair chance or your friend says there’s a really cool level after the spot where you quit, you had to spend the same money to rent it again. With steam, you can always give the game a second chance later, and it doesn’t even take up any physical space in your house.

Seriously, when you put it in perspective, making fun of people for frivolous Steam sale purchases is like making fun of people who put pennies in the “take a penny, leave a penny” jar at 711. Most people spend more money more frivolously on New Years Eve than any random gamer does on all his steam purchases during all the sales the whole year. I only bought a few games this sale, but if I bought more, I wouldn’t feel remotely bad about it.

I think part of why my and the next generation spend a little frivolously is to spite our parents who would always make a big deal over something being a dime more and shit.