The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

I’m waiting for Rayman Legends to hit flash sale, and some random co-op games (Contagion, Hunted: Demon’s Forge, Brink). Maybe also picking up Check vs. Mate, so my gf and I don’t have to walk to the coffee shop and sub in checkers for missing pieces in order to play Chess.

Btw, I have higher hopes for this long-delayed D3 mod than I have for Doom 4:

Looks way closer oldschool Doom gameplay than Doom 3’s claustrophobic, 1 enemy-at-a-time BS.

Bought CS: GO, Tomb Raider Anniversary, and Assault Android Cactus during the Steam sale. Installing CS and going to try to get back into it. Assault Android is like Smash TV meets Jap Bullet Hell, pretty good for a beta.

I’m replaying Blood again and just getting sucked into the atmosphere and carnage. The game has so many good set pieces. I honestly think it could be better then Doom 2 and Duke 3D.

Predictably, a bunch of stuff will be on sale, either over the weekend, or in 8 hour intervals.

If there was anything you’ve had your eye on, you might wanna check your wishlist or check in a few times over the weekend.

Check out this link for a full list of the Steam Autumn Sale:

What ever happened to another Think Quick! game

Unless you have REAL friends to play with, you’re not going to get the most out of GO. In fact the whole feeling of the game just sucks compared to the original counterstrike.

There are a lot of bundles of sticks online and it’s not that much different from playing COD, if you know what I mean. I’ve lost all my love for counterstrike.

Yeah, it’s definitely not as good but at least the hitboxes are better then Source. I never got good at CS and wanted to give GO a shot. But I’m installing 1.6 right now and going to time travel back to 2000 in a bit.

Skullgirls is 50% off right now for a flash sale on Steam.

Any Black Friday deals on a gaming headset? might pick one up if there’s a good price.

The only games I am waiting for a sell on are Pacman Championship Edition DX and Speedrunners.
I want to get them both for less than 5 bucks like 3 bucks each

What’s the difference between Dark Souls on console and the Prepare to Die PC edition?

Dark souls doesnt come with the dlc on the console its 15 dollars iirc; Prepare to die is just Darksouls + DLC.

PC version has GFWL and you have to download a fan-made patch in order to get 60FPS and decent controls.

I’m just going to wait for Dark Souls 2 to come to PC.

GO is a huge improvement over CZ and source. That said I reinstalled 1.6 and played some good old scoutz knivez, got bodied free.

Wish I never stopped playing it so I was still good at it.

M+KB is ass for character action. Playing at 30 isn’t HORRIBLE since the entire game is built around that, but yeah 60 fps makes it waaaaaaaaaaay better.

Have there been any official announcements as to how GFWL games will function once GFWL is shut down in July? I was thinking of grabbing Dark Souls just cause it’s 80% off, but if I’m going to be locked out in 6 months it’s not worth it.

If you guys are looking to upgrade from CS, you might give Insurgency a try. While it’s modern and ironsights-based, the slower movement speeds and heavier recoil make it way more tactical than what you’re used to seeing in run of the mill COD and BF clones.

You can see with the distance shooting starting at 1:00 min in, that even with a low recoil weapon like the MP5, you still have to control your fire if you want to be accurate. The movement speeds are also closer to CS than COD’s run n’ gun lameness.

Tip for Dark Souls on PC, download the DSFIX patch, as well as DSMFIX. In DSMFIX, turn the mouse sensitivity all the way. Then turn it all the way up in-game. That will give you a much better mouse/keyboard experience. You might have to turn up your desktop mouse sensitivity too, I’m not sure, I didn’t have to.

Also, I never got 60fps to work on my machine. Just a warning to people, it might not work for you (Win7, i5 3570l, GTX660). And the frame rate and game engine are tied together, so at 60fps, you won’t jump as far. That prevent certain secret areas from being reached(or so I hear).

Darksouls will still work offline, I don’t believe there’s been an announcement about if they’re patching in other MP support after GFWL dies.

I would doubt it. I assume such features are coming for Dark Souls 2 on PC. Hopefully.


I’ve been messing around with launching applications through Steam because I like having my games accessible from one central hub, but one thing that bothered me with games I wanted to play in an emulator, was I had to launch the emulator GUI from Steam and then use that to navigate to the game.

So I looked into it, and discovered an easy solution. You just create a batch file(a text file with .bat in the name), and then put in you commands to launch the emulator and game.

For example, in GGPO KOF2002 you would do this:

Create a text file(right click, new, text document)
Put in the path to your emulator, example:
“C:\users\user name here\desktop\emulators\ggpo”
“C:\users\user name here\desktop\emulators\ggpo\ggpofba” kof2002

Then save as "kof2002.bat"
Double click the .bat file to make sure it launches the game correctly.

Put kof2002.bat into a folder called “kof2002”(or whatever you want). Put that folder somewhere out of the way, like in a new folder called “steam exes” in My Documents.

If you want your executable to have it’s own icon, you can take an image you want to use and then use this handy online converter to convert it into an ico file:

Then put that image into your kof2002 folder.

Now you need a simple program to convert a batch to an executable. I used this one:

Simply input the path for your kof2002 folder and it will convert the contents into an exe file. The path will look something like this “c:\users\user name\my documents\steam exes\kof2002”. Anything in that folder is added to the executable, so make sure it’s only the batch file and the ico file you made.

Now you simply go into Steam, to add a non-steam game through the menu, and browse to your kof2002 folder.

I’ve only tested this GGPO and MAME, and they work alright. For other emulators that load isos and whatnot, you need to use different paths in your .bat file, but I haven’t messed with that yet. More info on that can be found here:

Here’s a video I just found that explains how to get the correct image to show in big picture mode: