The Official PS3 thread

Heavy Rain is really a rental at best.

I think Heavy Rain is worth the money just for the experience. It’s really unlike any other game I’ve ever played and the DLC is awesome too.

I’ve already beaten the main game 3 times and I’m still going back for more.

cosign, on every platform.

im outi


Heavy Rain is amazing.

This is the truth, especially with dual analog. One of my main reasons for liking it when Wii has shooters is because dual analog is trash for aiming. Even though it’s a total cash grab on Sony’s part, as least PS3 doesn’t have to stay in the dark ages of FPS control and gets something closer to mouse/keyboard (though mouse/keyboard still owns motion control aiming).

And yeah, I call total bullshit on Sony’s “reasons” for Move. There is one plain and simple reason Move exists, and I’m sure you all know what it is…that dollar. :lol:

I’m pretty worn out on all of this motion control stuff by now. I can understand that Sony wants to stick their hand into the casual gamer’s wallet but so far there’s been info on “move” that’s been enticing enough for me to even consider getting it. Though office chair kung-fu is a sweet idea…

So Yakuza 3 has 100 side quests/missions. So far I’ve done around 25 and I have to say they are wide in variety. You even get to play small mini-games that are exclusive to the side quests. So I don’t really recommend people avoiding the side quests just to beat the game. I feel you lose half the experience doing that. I don’t want to spoil anything but I’ve encountered a metal gear style twist in the story, my mind is blown right now. New players will understand the twist if they watch the 2 recap movies, due to the fact that the movies cover the subject matter.

EDIT: I wonder if the Yakuza fans on SRK feel the same way I do about this, but I hate when people reference this game as the Japanese GTA. You don’t steal a single car in this game and this game is more RPG like. Most of the comments I have read on other sites basically say that Yakuza looks cheezy and GTA is better. I don’t even think they should be compared imho.

Yeah, I don’t particularly care that much for the news of the Move, but just thought I’d share it for those that might be interested. :slight_smile:
It looks like it could be good, especially with the depth measurements and all that, but I’m not particularly hyped for it regardless. We will see, I guess.

Please tell me SOCOM 4 isn’t a wagglan only game. The videos I saw of people playing it have only been using that. I hope you can use the normal controller to play it and they were just showing off.

This is why Epic did it right and let you use usb mouse and keyboard on UT3. How hard is it to do, especially when you’re working on PC ports alongside the PS3 version?

It’s from Kotaku, but it’s quite an interesting read in regards to the Move.
It makes it sounds quite enjoyable, actually.


A little more hyped after reading the feedback details etc on it. That does make it sound quite a bit more immersive*, which isn’t a bad thing.

*[yeah, so what if immersive isn’t an official word.]

my thoughts exactly

For those of you who haven’t played Yakuza 1 and 2, I still suggest that you do. The story recap in 3 does a great job explaining things but to get that full experience, you should check out those games.

Pretty damn good.

@Sarangha- What’s your current impression on the eng. release? I plan to play it after I finish FF13…and GoW3.

Why?.. As you can see it’s the future of gaming…

Now get off your ass and buy a wii fit… Fat Boy…

I think I’m gonna pick up another game today. SOCOM Confrontation(no, I cant wait for 4) or Warhawk?

At some walmarts they are selling Socom: Confrontation headset bundle for 19.95

If you have played Socom before and have friends playing it, then get it or suffer from getting kicked out of rooms really fast. If you want to play THE GREATEST multiplayer experience get Warhawk. Tanks, check. Warhawks, check. Jet packs, check. FLYING FUCKING FORTRESS, CHECK!

If you do get warhawk, buy the dlc, they are a must.

I’ve adapted to playing FPS using pad, I’ve been using it to play 3rd person shooters and FPS since PS2. I’m a beast at using it, and can clear FPS games on their hardest difficulty and destroy people online, so whatever. I do still prefer keyboard and mouse, and while I do wish more games supported KB/mouse on PS3, it doesn’t bother me that much.

Aren’t most “FPS” games on the Wii rail shooters? When I think about it it would be difficult and clunky as fuck to be hitting buttons on the PS3 wand or whatever it’s called, as well as buttons on the pad at the same time to crouch/melee/sprint/etc.

Are the side quests missable? I’ve been wondering that for a while. I’m really hoping they aren’t. Yeah, it also annoys me when it’s compared to GTA when they’re completely different games. The gameplay in the two are vastly different, in GTA you’re mainly shooting people, in Yakuza you’re mainly beating the shit out of people beat-em-up style with random sub-weapons you can equip and use, or use items that are in the terrain like bar stools. I feel their’s more options in the random shit I can do in Yakuza as well, whereas in GTA the main thing I do to fuck around is…drive around. There’s a lot more substance to the Yakuza series, imo.

Actually there’s a pretty clear cut difference between the rail shooter and an actual FPS on Wii. Everything changed once Metroid Prime 3 came out and The Conduit improved on it. Everyone’s already comparing Socom 4’s control scheme to be somewhat similiar to MP3’s but they still need to fix the dead zone problem that Red Steel 1 had from the impressions I’ve been reading.

And to the person who was wondering earlier…Yes, you are going to have a choice between Move and stardard controller


v ‘That shit looks like a dil…do’

I just wonder what Chad Warden’s thoughts are on the PS Move…