The Official PS3 thread


I’d pop $15 for that, again.

Maybe $20.

GOW3 review on ign. Fanboys are already frothing at the mouth because bayonetta got a higher review score. I will never understand why people think all reviewers should have the same opinion on things.

G4 review by Adam Sessler up. I cant wait to play the “One particularly inappropriate puzzle”.

I already knew GoW 3 was a 9.0+ game anyway, no surprise there. Also, no surprise that a few decimal points set people off on a opinion.

Still trying to beat God of War II so I can be prepared for God of War III.

1:12 to 1:25 still baffles me. :pray: Noctis is a G!
It’s like he leaves to fight now and then when he’s bored. Been waiting 3-4 years and I can prob wait 2 more before I go postal

It was announced that it is coming to Europe so that makes it an instant import for me :tup:

I finally was able to order a PS3 today, wow are they hard to find right now. I used the auto-notify button on NewEgg.

I called Gamestop at noon today as they told me that is when they get their next shipment and they had already sold out the guy said. He checked the other stores in town for me and saw none in stock either. Hopefully it’s not as difficult to find for everyone else, but I thought I’d share the info in case anyone else is looking for one too.

So stoked that it’s getting an EU release. Importing ASAP.


No one wants a fatty either. Seeing how they get cardiac arrest when the month changes. OMG JOKES~!

WHo is going to be playing FF13 all day tomorrow and wednesday like me? Gonna SLAM DEWS SON! EXTREME.

I must be the only one not hype for that gane. FF got stale for me after 8.

Cant wait till Thursday…SO HYPE to buy this system.

You’re not the only one, I’m holding out for Versus.

wtf i gotta dl a 200 mb update for Heavy Rain? anybody know whats the update for? is it necessary? dont wanna wait 30 mins…yes my internet is really shitty.

We’ve been sold out as well from what I’ve been hearing this isn’t just a GS issue. Sony needs to hurry up and make more PS3s so they can capatilize on God of War 3.

I fucking hate these artificial shortages that companies create, just to “enhance hype”.

It’s assbackward and illogical.

Apparently there’s been issues at customs with imports. It’s pretty much why everyone has been sold otu of PS3’s and Wii’s since December. My store has only had six Wii’s come in since Christmas Eve, and the occasional refurb PS3.

i remember reading back in early February that sony said they expect there to be shortages for a few months. I don’t think it’s done on purpose. I’m mean the price drop, ps3 slim form factor and ridiculous flood of high profile games that were in the holiday and first quarter probably makes it very difficult to meet/predict demand. with a consoles being as expensive and complex as they are i don’t think they can press a magic button and have more ps3s appear.

I dunno man.

Both the manager and assistant manager at my local Ghey!Stop! are cool as all hell, and reasonably intelligent, and each of them has told me before that both the PS3 and Wii are in “forced shortages” as marketing strategies to inflate the demand even higher.

You aren’t the only one in this thread that’s for sure. GET RESONANCE OF FATE.

Or do what I’m doing.


RoF and GoW3 come out on the same day.

March is going to be a great month after all - despite Capcom pushing SSF4 back until April. XD

I found it funny, Flower is on the main page as the featured article.

GOW3 is going to be so amazing. I can’t wait for it. Oh well I get FFXIII from Gamefly on the 10th. And I still have some other games to blow through.