The official Cthulhu and ChImp thread - Try our new Dreamcast flavor!

did you tape them together? lol

does the MC Cthulhu board work with the Brooks adapters and CronusMax?

Any news? I wanted to order one myself.

Second that. Since godlike is closed, is toodles making anymore of these?

damn I was about to order 3 more! hopefully distributors come online soon…

It looks like I procrastinated too long on trying to make my stick :confused: The MC Cthulhu was going to be the logic board :frowning:

Emailed Jenni from Focus Attack they have stopped stocking it do to inconsistent stock. Hopefully Toodles addresses the issues and brings them back out. I was also looking at Piiwee board for Pokken Tournament, Smash 4, Tekken Tag 2, and TvC. Oh well. Guess I have to pad hack a GC controller.

Paradise arcade should have some of toodles’ remaining PCBs. Otherwise, you can always find stuff in the trading post.

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Yeah I called Paradise. They said they were out right now but should get some in the next couple of weeks :smiley:

Hey guys, does anyone here know what’s going on with ths MC Cthulu’s directional input?

It seems my Cthulu is registering directional inputs from the analog stick, rather than the dpad.

I noticed this when playing Scenario Campaign in Tekken 6. My character moved around in Free Movement (which is permanently bound to Left Analog Stick) when using my Cthulu stick. But my other sticks worked normally, the character moved around in the normal fighting stance that you get from d-pad inputs.

Additionally, I noticed an issue in Tekken Tag 1 HD (part of Tekken Hybrid) that would not let move the cursor up and down at the character selection screen, but would work perfectly fine again in a match or in the main menu. This issue is the same when using the analog stick on a DS3.

Aside from all of that, I noticed there is an increased delay with character movements on my Cthulu sticks. Compared to my other sticks, my movements felt a lot slower. I ran some input delay tests in 3SO’s parrying mini game, and it seems my Cthulu sticks was slower to the ball than my other sticks.

Does anyone know what’s going on?

I heard there’s a fix where you can force the MC Cthulu into d-pad or analog mode by holding start or select when plugging the stick in, but I unno if that’s tru.

Have to page @Toodles to see if he knows the problem.

Cthulhu moves POV and X/Y Axis (dpad and left analog) at the same time…

to tell cthulhu to do one of those, you must plug the cthulhu USB cable with Start/Select button pressed (one of those, don’t remember which one did what thing). Really easy to test…

if it doesn’t, you might need to update your cthulhu.

Good luck!

answered first post… lol

Does the Imp v2 add any additional processing? By that, I’m asking if it would introduce any additional latency.

No it won’t, it’s only switching the data wires from one PCB to the other. It won’t affect inputs at all.



I’m really struggling getting reliable connections on the screw terminals of my PC/PS3 Cthulu. I have to fold the bare cable and clamp it down really hard to even get it to register for whatever guage the JLF harness is :frowning:

Also, does it cause problems having analog and digital registering at the same time (SFV)? It’s almost impossible for me to hold buttons while I plug it in due to my setup (otherside of the room, plugged into an extension).

pics of your wiring?

Also, can’t you hold the button while plugging it into the extension? Shouldn’t be an issue either way though

Just reinstalled my ChimpSMD into an old shell and it’s acting a little funny. It works just fine on PC, but isn’t recognized on my PS3 or PS4 (via Legacy Support). Any thoughts?

So it works fine in your PC but not your PS3?

Is your ChimpSMD dual modded with anything?
And if it is what the stick is being identified on your PC as? The Chimp or what ever Xbox 360 PCB you are using?

100% Working on PC. Used to be dualmodded to the TE2 360 PCBs but now its just the Chimp. On PC it is recognized as PC/PS3 Chimp.

Thanks for your help!