The Official Call Of Duty Thread: CoD WW2 BETA coming Soon

Momentum is a terrible fucking idea, it is like these developers know nothing about online MP. All this is essentially is what Destiny already does with Dom where captures really do not matter, kill whoring to the max then capturing is what matters.

If you are kill whoring then u have map control, if you have map control you can cap followed by more kill whoring. Unless your a greedy scrub who cant wait 6 seconds for the enemy to cone to you and you flip the spawn then tere should be no issue to get the best of both worlds. Plus having control makes getting kills and not dying even easier since you can predict and shut down all lanes they can come from make it even more efficient. Plus in destiny dont you get more points per kill depending on how many caps you have at the time of the kill?? Again win win. All gametypes can be broken down into this general strategy.

I still stand by my opinion that FFA is the best mode in COD.

I wish they’d give us a FFA that has the maximum amount of players possible in a lobby, or some kind of objective besides just murdering the shit out of people, we’d have some real chaos popping off then.

TDM & DOM for me,mainly because I’m **SUPER ** unreliable to get my own kills lol

Also there’s always a choke point where I can sit back and rack up kills while still playing the objective or helping my team out. Not very good at been a lone wolf…

I’ve just never been good. I’ll have my moments, but my aim is ass-tastic, so I prefer the less aim specific weapons like shotguns (hence my dislike of MW3), and melee. HEaring about the various boost makes me think that I have a ‘shot’ at being OK. I can move almost with the best of them, I just can’t shoot. I’m the LMG guy…spray and spray…don’t bother praying.

so many fun memories of stealing - I think it was Hotobu’s ‘Spider’ setup in MW2

MG4 w/ Thermal
Cold Blooded Pro
Sit Rep Pro
Smoke Grenade

I would just find a good hiding area where I can dodge most tube attempts - like hte warehouse in Quarry. Drop Claymores to notify me of someone coming nearby the back or the front. Swap back to the same class. Then wait and listen. Someone trip my perimeter, I come out to whereever they are, and light them up. If it’s too many I just smoke and hide…or Smoke them and spray. It worked with ARs too, but I found that eventually I’d piss people off so much that I’d get swarmed - especially with no silencer…so it helped to not have to reload…and the MG4 was better at distance w/o grip than the RPD.

Oh man I want to play now…

  • Unreall

I do feel like in AW if people who aren’t great in aiming,if they are able to master the “movements” in AW they should do good in staying alive much longer then others…

Just my opinion though.

I do agree that one should play the objective in such game modes but by keeping the enemy pinned down by killing them non stop helps prevent them from completing the objective as well. The issue is some idiots out there get too eager

movement has always been key in cod

There is more emphasis on movement in AW,they haven’t done that in recent CoD or from my memory any CoD.

You could just not play that mode Kim…

The only way momentum will suck is if the spawn placement is worse than MW3.

Nothing could be worse than MW3’s spawn placement…NOTHING!


Well Ghosts came pretty damn close.

What’s Ghosts?


Sounds like a venereal disease.

Sorry; had a sudden urge to go old school there. I know that unlike Ghosts, a venereal disease actually stays with you for at least a week, but still…

I tried to watch a “Pro” Ghosts tournament today and it literally put me to sleep. Not that being a pro means much, it seems everyone knows someone that is MLG.

Keep it that way.

High Res Screenshots of everything, Guns + stats, Score-streaks, Score-streak modules Attachments, Wildcards, Pick 13 system layout.

If the gang is getting back together for a reunion tour you can count me in…still rocking the 360