wii code l4511-0257-4374l Master Rift- Philadelphia,Pa anybody wanna go?
Yo guys, anyone ever want to battle me just give me a friendly PM. My info is: 4167-4180-7389 “SLASH”. Hope to do battle with yall soon. :wgrin:
I have mine in my sig.
^pablo dont waste ppls time by acting like you play brawl! :rolleyes:
mine is in my sig…feel free to add
0044-2584-5000 Albany, New York.
I play for fun or competitively doesn’t really matter.
Anyone who posted their code in here and not the smash forum…send me a pm if you wanna brawl at some point I’m in VA
I play for fun. No one here is ever online to play ;/ if you wanna play AIM me shadow1500
Gligarman || 0946-1902-8804 || Los Angeles, CA
I’m up for a game whenever. I need the practice.
up for a game cause im super bored just playin Lv 9 and winning
Grey ~ 5026-6778-8295 ~ SanAnton TX
send a PM if you wanna go
Yo wassup im new here hopefully I can have some matches with you guys.
Powa! || 3394-3248-1587 || Edmond Oklahoma (Southwest)
How does this game play online? Is it everything that everyone hoped for and more? Or is it plauged with lag problems?
4saken_1…on right now…4124-4710-8476
Judge: 1160-9650-7355
Hit me up with an e-mail or PM.
I get tired of playing this [media=youtube]9K23QxsShmE"[/media] I want to play other people
Itch {2148 9417 4629} North Carolina (East Coast)
Lycan…0559-8393-3128…chicago, Illinois
pm if you wish to brawl
a new challenger has arrived
hey guys ima smash bros player and i’m ready to join the SRK communtiy and i’m looking for some nice compettion
5198 2556 1270 thats my code please pm me when u want to get a game going
getsassy:: 3780-8678-6406:: LA, CA
ok man hit me up on aim or somthing and tell me when u added me
Pittsburgh, PA
East Coast
Please send a private message if you add me.