True, just sounds more ethnic than I figured. I got used to it after a while and he’s still my favorite Vault Hunter.
Ahh, laughs
Oh laughed, nah a couple of people I played with did so. I was a little apathetic, but I kind of felt for Mordy. Just weird how one second it can be something depressing or sad, and literally the next second you are back off in left field with humor. Feels very erratic and doesn’t flow right.
Brick’s always sounded more… “hood” than Roland himself.
Does skipping optional objectives miss you anything important other than maybe some extra money/exp/badass points for the challenge? I accidentally forgot to free Shorty with a shock weapon.
Why do all the good SMGs have to be non-elemental? A Tediore with a super-fast reload and 135 damage just dropped for me at lv24 and Moxxi kept giving me lv18 guns with 88 damage. Is there a limit on how many smgs she can give you? Or you can’t have more than one in your inventory? Because I got the Good Touch which completely outclasses the Bad Touch (I like corrosive on smgs though), then I tipped her some more money, and she said the Good Touch line and held out her hand… but there was no smg there.
Also, I don’t think it’s necessary to tip her 15k. I tipped her $100’s and she gave me the Good Touch after about 2k or so.
Probably I’ve failed HARD on “Optional” stuff before(Statuesque). It’s between 10-15K in tips for Moxxi. Going to use Salvador for my bro-op class after I dick around with Maya(lol) for a bit more an advance the plot.
Me: "Okay don’t shoot the Depu-"
Friend 1: "What?"
Me: "How do you keep missing the GIANT blue boxes on the side of the screen?"
Friend 1: "What do those even mean."
Me: “Just forget it, kill the poor bastard already.”
This has happened a fair few times, they genuinely don’t pay attention. Although it lead to some mild hilarity I don’t know what it actually costs me. Only completed two quests complete with optional stuff.
heh heh, what other game lets you roast midgets to death…? I just finished some quests regarding a cult that worships the “Firehawk”…shit was hilarious. Anyway, my Gunzerker is level 18 now…shortly after all hell broke loose while I was trying activate a certain beacon regarding Sanctuary. Another great thing there… I’m actually caring about what happens in the story in this one, unlike part 1. And yeah, it may be time to avoid all forums and threads regarding this game for awhile until I finish it then (especially gamefaqs…they typically do a horrible job at avoiding spoilers for anything… like if the Star Wars franchise was new, you know some asshole would make a thread right away saying "So Vader was his dad!?LOL warning; spoilers.)
I was immersed in listening to the new No Doubt album, whilst killing yesterday, and completely missed the box that told me to kill the first assassin with [I do not know what type of gun… that is my point]. I killed all the others properly though. Probably missed a decent chance at a good drop.
This is what I’m working towards with my Siren(currently lvl 34).
Basically going for Cataclysm + medic. Soloing with this can be tough until you get Phoenix.
Using Sustenance so I can switch my Nurse class mod for my Witch mod(additional corrosive chance/damage, +4 flicker).
I’m going to reset and try her Motion tree some where down the line.
I’m also torn between starting a Commando or keep leveling up Zero.
Doing all the sidequest + Playing with friends. We went to the Caustic Caverns and grind XP off of Super Badass Varkids. I also have a relic that boost XP gain.
This game is great… Things to point out that make the game awesome.
[]Its serious but not to serious
[]The characters have loads of personality
[]The game isn’t to over the top (alot of games have a big problem with this…They go way over the top, I think alot of company can take notes from this. The swearing in this game is PG-13 and I bet most people don’t even notice. The gore is what makes the game rate M and even the gore isn’t crazy.) Games now want to push the envelope so hard that they lose something. The blend in the game is just amazing.
[]Randomness… I took to long to do something (more than a few times doing random quest) and the person random addresses it. To me that makes characters very personal, it adds urgency, and a since of “life” to the world.
[*]Dialog isn’t broken, or out of place and choppy.
Game is so well done, I dont know how it can get much better in 3. maybe a new planet?
Another thing they really did better with this game was the serious moments. I mean damn, I actually had strong feelings towards every character (mostly Lilith) as well as towards the advancement of the plot. The twists and turns that they put in this game were so awesome I couldn’t have even hoped to have been able to guess what was going to happen. I wanted to do more side missions before I went off to do the final mission, but I just found myself so entranced by the story that I just wanted to see how it ended right then and there, and goddamn I was blown away. This is my favorite game of the year so far. Hands. Fucking. Down.
Now, we just wait to see if Halo 4 will take the cake (which I doubt).
Just grind in Caustic Caverns, if you can yet. That place had to have brought me up at least 2 or 3 levels, and put at least 6 to 8K in my pocket.
But we all know of course that TIny Tina takes the cake for being the most gangster.
How can you resist the urge to finish that mission? :eek:
I doubt that we’ll be able to select from more than 4 Vault Hunters. It just seems like one of the factors in the franchise that they should leave the same. I guess it’d be nice to have some of the old characters back as playable, but at the same time I feel like it would mess up a lot of things in terms of balance issues and whatnot. I also doubt that we’d be able to play as any of the same people. Borderlands, even with this new addition, still doesn’t have THAT large of a universe in terms of it’s characters and plot. I doubt they’d pass up an opportunity to expand that universe even more with new playable characters.
Yes, yes you are. And you should feel like a bad person. Because you are.
for moxxi, you have to reload the game to get more smg’s. one per load i believe. could be wrong …
elemental weapons always have lower stats in general, unless they are a maliwan legendary in which case they will have normal stats + good elemental effect. at least it was this way in blands1
Has anyone soloed Terramorphous yet?
I haven’t fought him, I just want to know if it’s possible. I used to Solo Crawmerax with Mordecai, but it was only with the cliff glitch.