The Official and Only Team Helping Thread

Well I guess if I am going to play Anakaris that leaves me with no choice but to actually learn how to unfly. Its not a big deal but since I just need to learn the motions. Funny thing is I usually played Iceman and Jill with Doom and Cable, sometimes Tron. Thanks for the help.

I am just going to jump in and take an educated guess. Blackheart is good for lockdown and controling space with Spiral but with Spiral/Sent/BH you have no Oh Shit button. Bascially Capcom and Cable will help get them off you if you are being pressured. While Sent BH really can’t, well Sent probably could againest a bad player like me but againest good people I am sure he wont fly as an Oh Shit button.

Alright, I’ll take it into consideration.

Though, I’m used to playing without an ‘oh shit’ button (since i main Arakune in BB).

Eh pressure in BB isn’t nearly as hard to get out of as Marvel. That and super jump back and FD will get you out of most everything.

Another reason I just thought of is getting a flying character out of the air like Sents and especially runaway storms.

It seems to me Arakune’s only hope is instant blocking, but that’s for another thread.

On topic, I’ve messed around with some of the characters, and the only character I really REALLY like so far is Sentinel, and cable seems good too. Though, they both seem real meter intensive… any suggestions for a third, or should I swap out one?

Looking to play somthing with tron.

Right now im looking at
Storm/Tron/Iron man
Tron/Why isnt vega in this game/Why isnt balrog in this game?

@Effay: Try out Row or Santhrax.

@J-Money: Tron goes with every character, in my opinion. Magneto-A/Storm-A/Tron-Y being one of the better ones. Storm-A/Cable-B/Tron-Y is also pretty good.

Hey, I’m pretty new to this game. Never really liked the tier domination, but it just looks too fun. Anyway, I need some help with the team I’ve been using Venom/Mega man/War Machine. It’s working pretty good for me, right now I have War Machine on projectile to help with my Mega Man turtle and I use Venom expansion, but not really sure if it’s doing the job. Any opinions?

I also want to build a top tier team with iron man/magneto/someone else

I don’t exactly need to have mag in the team, but he was the first character I learned so, I’d like to leave him in. Anyway, just some opinions on who goes good with iron man. Thanks.

I don’t know about Venom/Mega Man/War Machine… Just doesn’t seem right, but I have no experience with any of them, so I can’t tell…

Ever tried Magneto / Iron Man / Sentinel or Magneto / Iron Man / Psylocke ?

They seem to mesh well together, but that’s coming from someone who’s been officially playing for 4 days now. I just want to use a team with Mega Man and Venom, but couldn’t think of anyone with a projectile assist that I really liked. I’ve been training with iron man a lot, so I figured I would just throw in War Machine. lol

Yeah, I did the Sentinel thing for a little bit and it was pretty cool. However, I’ve recently been throwing storm into the mix. I’m looking for the third member to help set up Iron Man’s infinite and I read Psylocke’s Anti Air assist helps on that a lot.

Any opinion on Mag/Iron man/Doom?

Well, with cable(AA)/Sent(Drones), you can add just about any one you want(Mag,Storm,Ironman are really good). It would be best to add a AA(anti-air), however.

Good AA:

Capcom(Captain Commando)- Better Sent team.

Cyclops-better Cable team.

If you want a more zone based team, add Blackheart, Doom or Spiral instead of a Anti-air.

Since you like zone based teams watch Ducvader play with his team(Spiral,cable(AA)/Sent(Drones).


That team could work, but teams like Mag/XX/ Psylocke can hurt you really bad. Doom will also get raped since he needs fast Anti-air to get someone off of him.

What character do you want to play the most?

i really recommend sonson…

anakaris/IM is not bad

anakaris/morrigan OR chun/tron

anakaris/sent/juggernaut (body splash assist) juggernaut splash assists gets sent out of the air flying, and you can do unblockables with anak and sent using the assist. you can also do curse infinites with splash…and don’t forget about jugg glitching

I play Mag/IM/doom…was one of my mains. mag has some nice stuff with doom…you don’t really need an anti air either, just counter hits.

it’s truly a 1 hit touch kill team. I’ve gotten perfects with it. hit at the beginning, rom to 40/corner, unmashable tempest with doom assist, DHC to IM (kills anyone), GB next 2 chars, GGPO.

Looking for a third to add to Spiral/Iron Man…

No Sentinel. Not especially looking to be tourney worthy or anything, but just looking at what are some good options for her in the 3 spot. There are the generic options (Doom/Tron/Capcom/etc), but just wondering if anyone has any more interesting chars to suggest.

Omega Red (aaa) / Iron Man (repulsor) / Spiral (projectile)

Omega Red gets some pretty nifty assists for his shenanigans, Iron Man gets meter, and Spiral is pretty good on her own IMO.

x/Cable AAA/Sent Ground

Tried Magneto, seems too complicated.

Any easier batteries out there?

So far I’ve put a lot of time into Iron Man. I learned his infinite last night and have been working on some unfly stuff (which i still don’t fully understand.) I haven’t really done a lot with mag other than basics and his tri jump stuff. I think that I like Iron Man the most of the two, though.

Blackheart. Just jump back and throw FP demons all day :rolleyes:

Would be cool if I got a non-biased opinion. No offense lol.

None taken. I did the :rolleyes: icon b/c people always think to spam demons or that I’m bias when I say to use him.

But truth be said, there is no character that can build meter fast while immobilizing the opponent at the same. On top of that…
-He’s got some of the best keep away in the game which is only made better with drones and a good anti-air.
-Great (painful) cancels into either Sentinel or Cable.
-Safe ways to switch in your next character regardless of if it’s Cable or Sentinel
-An assist that that helps both Sentinel and Cable to control space like no other.

I could go on but it’s up to you to find out if he’s really worth it. I could have does said to throw in another god tier like mag or storm but than I’d just be following the obvious trend…

I gave you the Cons of that team and Beats gave you the pros. It’s up to you if you want stick with that team.

If you really like Ironman and Magneto, you can play Mag(projectile)/IM(AA)/Sent(drones for a better IM team or Rocket punch for a better Magneto team.

If You like Ironman and Dr Doom, you can try adding Cable(AA) Or some other AA(anti-air).

BlackHeartKing knows his shit. Listen to him.

yeah, if you’re liking IM more…team Illan or Toi or other like-teams would be good

mag/im/psy is really good for magnus, ok for IM. if you have a killa magnus, that’s sometimes all you’ll need…but you can also rom to corner to DHC to make life easier if you can GB consistently.

if you want to see how I think mag/im/doom should be played, look at my youtube link in my sig :tup:

and of course combofiend is too buff/versatile/safe compared to the others mentioned.