The next art challenge... VOTING!

I think they used to be once a week

I’m liking the idea of throwing in the Metal Gear.

Sheng-Long: to clarify – you’re willing to give away 2x 1 month of rapidshare premium? One to the person who meets the criteria, and the other to the favourite entry? Also, what happens if they are one and the same? Does the person walk away with 2 months’ worth, or is there another selection/next favourite pic win the 2nd month?

I think that’s something that’s up to you, since you are sponsoring the prizes. Let us know :slight_smile:

Yes its 2 separate.

Pick the favorite first then remove him from the pool selection for the other prize.

UNLESS that person was the only one to meet the criteria, then I guess he deserves to get both.

Does that sound fair?

it sounds fine to me. :slight_smile: