After weeks of waiting, they finally posted about Evo. This is such a good thing. Things are gonna be different this year, we are going to be so much more organized. And yes, after May 19th, we are gonna be holding many tournies. Now, if everyone is down we will do the ccc fund again, and all of it will be going to the hotel, the shit aint gonna go down like last year where no one benifited from that money. We, bought stix with it, and yes they are gone, now but its koo, im very sure they will be replaced, in time, so dont trip. we need some drivers, and we need them to be confirmed HELLA early, everyone who went last year knows what happened, and we dont want another thing like that happening again. Unfortunetly, Goof will not be attending, he would have most likely driven if we had no drivers, too bad he is going to Alaska, i know he REALLY WANTS TO COME. But, he has comitted himself to going with his grandma on a cruse, and well, family comes first. Have fun goof, we all feel bummed for u. Moving a long, Ill see what i can do a bout getting a car for those dates, but im not sure i can get one this time, cause my car is out of the question, everyone pretty much knows why. My moms van, is out cause it leaks hella oil, like one time i left it on while i was waiting to pick up CJ, it was on for 10 minutes in front of his house, and i left a Huge ass Puddle of oil there. The van as still not been fixed. The vehicle i drove last year, is starting to go downhill, and my dad feels it will be breakin down sometime very soon. Also, if neone looks at the evo web site and notices the tourney is at Cal Poly pamona, also known as my a school i almost went to but chose to go to Shit ville (Bako) instead, it is just east of LA, so we still got a FATTY 6 hr drive to get there. We, all know its worth it though. I dont think Mike A.K.A. Savage white guy, Alias Icepimp, wants to drive again, Long trips are the devil , besides he drove last year, and i dont blame him for wishing not to drive again, but i could be wrong. But this is why we need drivers confirmed early on. Evo, is still 3 months away, but the planning needs to start happening now so we can have a better trip than last year. Well, thats it , and this has to be by far the longest post i have ever written on SRK :lame: , so thats it, im out . Peace