The Lounge: McRib Jacuzzis and D!#% Hygene

It is in reference to how he likes his ass blown out like the little gimp bitch that he is after he takes his crack like a man.

It is.

Youā€™re just too strung out from the crack, and the blood loss your pimpā€™s cock perpetrated on your perforated anus, to remember it.

The French call it ā€œthe little deathā€.

So yeah.

No lies detected.

Canonically, even.

Yep. Some folks are primed and ready for that Weekend. One of my buddies is at SW Celebration in Chicago. Really wanted to go but man tickets were expensive and work has been BUSY. Looks like he is having a blast anyway.

Seems like that may be a bucket list item. Iā€™ve done a couple of Geekcons, but nothing on that scale.

Picking up my new car today.


but there are no pages here. hmmm


Which one?

We, as in humanity, are on a pathway to hell!


Everyday we stray further from ā€œgodā€.

Thatā€™s okay.

God is only btier, anyway.

In a game like life which boasts S+, B-tier ainā€™t shit.


I donā€™t mean religion, alot of bull shit is the fault of religion: wars, all sort of bigotry and prejudices, Inquisitions, brain washing and controlling the masses, punishing those who dare think outside their political guidelines.

Religion was supposed to help give people a moral foundation, instructions for primitive people to survive the wilds and to explain nature as science was not developed yet.

2 of those three things are gone. We donā€™t need instructions for how a primitive nomadic to survive the wilds. We figured out how to properly cook meat since then, and in a modern society the other ancient rules for survival donā€™t apply. And we donā€™t need BS creation myths and myths on why nature is the way it is as we have scientific understandings.

So the moral direction issue is all that is relevant today, and if you look at how many modern churches are they forgot the whole ā€œPeace and Loveā€ bit, the whole love your neighbor and donā€™t stand in the way of sinners things is replaced with ā€œYou canā€™t do that as itā€™s against My religionā€.

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If he was a broken clock, heā€™d somehow manage to miss the mark even just twice a day.


If Trump was a Broken clock, ether (as an analog clock) the arms fell off, or if hes a digital clock he just displays garbage.

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Lmfao ding dong ditch the 2019 version

Check out @Raquel_Cook13ā€™s Tweet:

The game didnt change, it just got more fierce.



I love this anonymous app on FB. I been roasting the fuck outta my friends all day and thereā€™s nothing they can do cuz they donā€™t know its me. Good clean, funšŸ˜‚

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Iā€™m looking forward to Judgement Day. :slight_smile: I feel it will happen within the next ten years. We are already living in the End Times.

The truth about everything will be revealed. The truth about God, science, and our history will spread across the world. Everything will be known and only the willfully ignorant will choose not to believe it. The ones that donā€™t believe will suffer.