if things can pan out with some new lili tech i just found then i’ll pass it on to you. atm it’s still in the works. Also still working on a way to get a similar rest with kenxlili.
Man I hope they make the window for that a little less tight.
It’s so awesome to tag cancel Asuka’s falling rain and then charge EX to Super. Though I wish her falling rain animation or ground bounce lasted a few frames longer so I could charge a free Super and deal 650 damage AA for 1 bar. :rolleyes:
I’m actually fairly certain that the throw+tag thing was intended to be possible at all. My theory is that it works because of how the game reads inputs. Kinda like a Kara-Cancel or Plink.
For some characters it works that way. For lili she has certain moves you can activate on the first hit. ex. her ex sunflower lance can be tc on the first hit but the timing is strict. If you do it right your second character can come in for a charge ex super or just freaking wail on the opponent while lili is giving them the business with her feet. I think the window on certain moves are either big or small. I’m sure you’re right Ve that there is some plinking involved but i also think the timing comes into play during certain TCs.
I never thought of that, good shit!
I knew you could tag cancel her Falling Rain but it never occurred to me that it could be used in this case.
This should make Lili/Asuka even stronger!
Lol. My vid made Eventhubs. The comments are hilarious, but that neither here nor there.
The sky fall cancel is pretty impractical, not because it’s one frame, but the timing varies based on positioning.
I’ve only got it in the corner so far. At first I didn’t think it’d cross-up (I did it dozens of times and always landed in front), but after a few dozen more times this morning I actually got it to cross up a few times.
…but the vid quality was so damn horrible I wanted to smash my fist into the screen. That’s what I get for trying to use my stream as a bootleg workaround. -___-
Anyway, I managed to get one clip to record decently. sigh guess it’s time to invest in a better capture device (still using an old Dazzle, lol).
Still nice, especially if you can get it to work midscreen.
However, I don’t think you will be able to do it off a launcher to loop the reset as Lili won’t have enough time to run off screen.
Yup, tries that a bajillion times yesterday with no luck.
Definitely want to get this to work midscreen, so I’ll be keeping at it here and there. Still getting used to Lili in general, and still need to maximize damage with her and Juri.
Lili is really good with characters That use boost combos for damage as she has one of the very best post launch combos.
I’m working on the Hwo/Lili vid hopefully it will give you ideas.
Best Eventhubs comment:
“what if you tech the throw and block the overhead, reset doesn’t look that good”.
Well, by that logic no mixup or reset in any game ever is worth a damn.
I saw that comment and facepalm’d. I started to reply, but… I’ve grown kinda’ weary of commenting on EH. Not even because of SFxT either - it’s been wearing thin for me for a good while, some of the things I read there just… ugh.
Eh, I don’t really mind, and I’m happy for the feature, I just think Eventhubs needs. Some better players to keep the newbies in check.
I think those kind of resets are even more effective in this game because reversals don’t auto-correct as easy as they did in AE.
So if opponent inputs HP Shoryuken from the wrong side chances are he’ll throw out a standing or crouching fierce and get blown up. If he tries to backdash he might dash forward. And they can’t get their jab/short out faster than you since yours will hit as they land. So they really have to guess which way to block on top of guessing if you’ll hit low or overhead.
It’s the same when you cross-up rolls on wake up.
Also, depending on how you space the dive kick, you can reset yourself just out of standard DP range.
Also, if you hate DP mashing, wait till you see me Nina stuff.
/shameless self promotion.
Looking forward to it, might give Nina a try just for fun and to learn more about the matchup.
I just got the game today, and wanted to know what people think about a Sagat / Lili team. Sagat has the zoning and uppercuts to help Lili’s matchups as well as Lili being a good rushdown partner for Sagat. Sagat is also the meter builder.
Anything else? like combos or something for people that have used the team? im kinda new to SF fighting games so i’d appreciate the help.
copy/pasta from the Sagat thread. just looking for help.
good choice in the team. take the time to get used to the buttons. practice too. for live practice fight the cpu a bit and then players.
Really? thats great!
Just for some info, for Lili into Sagat ive been doing
Sagat - cm.p cm.p TU - 1 meter chain to lili - lk angel knee ch.p m. dendro f.mk hp ~ 300
Lili - standing punch magic series - launcher to Sagat- cm.p cm.p TU ~300+
Sagat - standing kick magic series - launcher to lili - lk angel knee ch.p m.dendro f.mk hp ~ 300
basically just started finding combos today so nothing to serious.
Sagat seems to be a good teamate in both combos and long / neutral game. His hadoken is like Juri’s thus great for zoning. he wins AA even on trade because of his retarted anti air range. As well as being able to swap to lili at the end of a anti air combo for possibly 4 - 500 damage. He doesnt need meter but gains it like a boss with hadoken spam as well as whiffing normals. You can do light hadoken > frwd light kick > hadoken for meter building.Almost all of his specials and 1 meter give him free switches to lili, even on block. blocked TU can be switched into lili to continue pressure. blocked TK is advantage on block so you can dk whatever you want. Sagat has short and often time 3 or 4 hit combos that do decent damage and with meter, lili can come in and add damage. due to the low amounts of hits, she gets hurt less by damage scaling.
imo. its a solid team. only lacking when the opponent is up close because you lack good mixups. except the random lili overhead ( that i cant link at all for some reason)
and btw. during a block string like cl.p cl.p hadoken for Sagat you can tag in Lili if youre close enough when you use hadoken. Pretty much puts you at an advantageus position. Opponents blocking + pushed further into corner = high / low mixups with submissive heel (iirc) and sunflower lance.
Greatness. sorry for the wall of text and for any misspelling, i typed this on my phone.
I did some time with them in training too today.
c.mp x c.mp TU tag to f.wd medium kick X fwd. mp angel knee X st.lp X st.mp dendro 350+ you can also tag out to change back to sagat to get another upper cut in.
I’m debating on either using Julia as a partner or lili.